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The above map shows the outlines of charts that are available. Changing the area of the map changes the charts that are displayed. Zooming in will show you charts that cover a smaller area. Chart outlines larger than the on screen map area are not shown unless you choose the "Show all charts" checkbox. Clicking on a chart outline shows all the charts that contain the location where you clicked. Larger scale charts (for example 1:5,000) show more details than a smaller scale chart (for example 1:100,000) of the same area. Use the Search box to display a specific location (ie. "Boston Harbor", "Monterey Bay", etc.). Often adding a state abbreviation helps this kind of search. The Search box can also be used to find information about the current map display using general search terms (ie. "marina", "food", etc.). The first result from the search becomes the new selected location for the chart listing. Some locations have no relavant charts available.
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