U.S. Department of State

U.S. Government Delegation to Travel to Turkey and Jordan

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Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 22, 2013

On January 23-31, 2013, the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development will send a delegation of senior U.S. officials to Turkey and Jordan. Throughout the trip, the delegation will meet with senior government and humanitarian officials, the Syrian Opposition Council and others to discuss the humanitarian situation in and around Syria and ways the United States can provide additional support. The delegation includes: Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Anne C. Richard; USAID Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, Nancy Lindborg; and Ambassador Robert Ford.

While in Turkey, the delegation will meet with representatives from international humanitarian and non-governmental organizations to discuss assistance for Syrian refugees, as well as assistance being provided to those in Syria. They will also visit a Syrian refugee camp. In addition, the delegation will meet with Turkish government officials and members of the Syrian Opposition Coalition.

In Jordan, the delegation will visit programs that support Syrian refugees living in local communities. They will also meet with representatives from the Government of Jordan and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

To date, the U.S. is providing $210 million in humanitarian assistance to help more than 3 million people in Syria and more than 650,000 people who have fled to the safety of neighboring countries. Life-saving food, medical care, blankets, and essential winter supplies from the American people are reaching children, women, and men in all 14 governorates inside Syria, as well as refugees outside the country. In Aleppo alone, U.S.-funded humanitarian assistance is helping more than 250,000 people in need.

The delegation will be tweeting from @StatePRM, @NancyLindborg, and @theOFDA during the visit. Additional information about the visit will be available via Twitter on @StateDept and in Arabic on @USAbilAraby. For more information, please contact PRM’s Public Affairs Advisor Deborah Sisbarro at PRM-Press-DL@state.gov or (202) 453-9339, or USAID’s Karl Duckworth at KDuckworth@usaid.gov or (202) 712-4320.

Please go to the U.S Embassy Damascus Facebook page to read a personal message from Ambassador Ford.

PRN: 2013/0047

[This is a mobile copy of U.S. Government Delegation to Travel to Turkey and Jordan]