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December 2011, Vol. 134, No. 12

Estimating an energy consumer price index from establishment survey data

Janice Lent

Janice Lent is a senior mathematical statistician at the Energy Information Administration in Washington, DC. Email: janice.lent@eia.gov.

Residential price and consumption estimates from the Energy Information Administration's establishment surveys can be used to estimate a consumer price index for energy at national and state levels; at the national level, the index is comparable to the energy component of the BLs Chained CPI and is more timely.

Over the past few decades, technological and societal changes have made household survey data collection increasingly difficult. Concerned about privacy and the possibility of identity theft, many Americans hesitate to disclose personal information to survey interviewers, in spite of the strict confidentiality protections government statistical agencies provide.

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Consumer Price Index

Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index.Aug. 2008.
Experimental consumer price index for elderly Americans (CPI-E): 1982–2007, The.Apr. 2008.
Price measurement in the United states: A decade after the Boskin Report.May 2006.

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