Table A3-55
Standard Mail Reaction to Pieces from Department Stores by Addressee
(Percentage of Pieces)
Postal Fiscal Years 1987, 2008 and 2009
(Diary Data)
BL_A _NAME_ _LABEL_ C1Y1 C1Y2 C2Y1 C2Y2 C3Y1 C3Y2 C4Y1 C4Y2
Specific member(s) of HH PCT_ROW Percent of Row Frequency 65.39109 67.43863 7.635107 7.60841 66.60489 70.97141 23.60182 25.87258
Occupant, resident, postal patron PCT_ROW Percent of Row Frequency 57.52914 61.31917 5.15762 8.774894 61.39415 59.71351 17.15084 19.67908
DK/RF PCT_ROW Percent of Row Frequency 16.78052 11.16656 0 2.296345 15.15476 18.13912 0 4.231628
Type of Address Read Immediately Set Aside Found Useful Will Respond  
1987 2008 2009 1987 2008 2009 1987 2008 2009 1987 2008 2009  
Addressed to specific household members 48.1 65.4 67.4 9.8 7.6 7.6 56.9 66.6 71.0 15.4 23.6 25.9  
Addressed to occupant/resident 39.4 57.5 61.3 9.9 5.2 8.8 48.1 61.4 59.7 16.3 17.2 19.7  
NOTE: Percentages represent row percentages within each address category;
these do not sum to 100 due to the inclusion of multiple questions in this table.