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Bibliographic Services Division (BSD)

The Reorganization of National Library of Medicine (NLM) Bibliographic Databases

September 2002 [Reorganization Complete]

See the references at the bottom of this page for details on the summary information provided in this chart.

Former NLM Database1
(Dates of Existence)
Unique Monographs to LocatorPlus2Unique Journal Citations to MEDLINE®/
Percent MEDLINE Overlap/
Existence of PubMed Subset4
Meeting Abstracts to NLM Gateway5Future
none 6,200
May 2001

black line
AIDS Subset
Oct 1998
Oct 2000 The AIDS-related, non-Index Medicus journals and newsletters are indexed by NLM for the enhanced MEDLINE.
Apr 20006
Oct 2001

black line
Bioethics Subset
Sep 2001
No Meeting Abstracts As of Oct 2001, the bioethics-
related, non-Index Medicus journals are indexed by KIE for the enhanced MEDLINE.
Jan 20006
Oct 2001

black line
History of Medicine Subset
Nov 2001
No Meeting Abstracts As of Oct 2001, the history-
related, non-Index Medicus journals are indexed by HMD for the enhanced MEDLINE.
HSTAR & HSTAR75 Backfile
Dec 1999
May 1999

black line
No Subset9
Feb 2001 Some health services-related, non-Index Medicus journals are indexed by ECRI for the enhanced MEDLINE (as of Sep 2001); others are indexed by NLM.
Dec 2000
Approximately 100,000
Sep 2002

black line
No Subset
Not Applicable10 Not Applicable11
Feb 20006
Sep 2001

black line
Space Life Sciences Subset
Sep 2001
Sep 2001 As of Sep 2001, the space life sciences-related, non-Index Medicus journals are indexed by NASA for the enhanced MEDLINE.

- OLDMEDLINE and HSRproj are available via the NLM Gateway.
- TOXLINE® and ChemID® are available at The TOXNET TOXLINE includes citations to bibliographic and other report-like data from special collections and closed subfiles. The standard journal citations in toxicology that make up TOXLINE Core are available as part of MEDLINE/PubMed.
- PubMed has a Toxicology Subset available.
- NLM broadened its coverage of toxicology by indexing about 40 more MEDLINE journals previously in TOXLINE.
- CATLINE and AVLINE were converted to LocatorPlus in February 1999.

1NLM ceased updating these databases at the end of 2000 but they remained available to the public via Internet Grateful Med (IGM) until it was retired in 2001.
2Number of unique monographic records, including book chapters, added to LocatorPlus; and the date records were added from the former NLM database. As of May 1, 2000, the collaborating data producers (i.e., NASA, ECRI, HMD, and KIE) are creating new monographic records for LocatorPlus.
3Number of unique journal records added to MEDLINE/PubMed and the date the records were added from the former NLM database. For AIDSLINE, includes unique newsletter citations.
4Percentage of former, separate database that consisted of citations originally from MEDLINE; date subject subset available in PubMed.
5NLM will continue to add selected meeting abstracts on AIDS/HIV, health services, and space life sciences to the NLM Gateway.
6In June 2002, 30,933 monographic and audiovisual records in LocatorPlus that had previously resided in the legacy ELHILL databases BIOETHICSLINE, HISTLINE, and SPACELINE were updated. Please see the Jul-Aug 2002 NLM Technical Bulletin article Migration of Monographic Citations to LocatorPlus: Merge Project for details.
7Approximately 26,300 bioethics-related MEDLINE journal citations were also revised by NLM to add some of the special fields of former BIOETHICSLINE records including keywords and other abstracts. NLM revised other MEDLINE journal citations to add some of the special fields of the former SPACELINE and POPLINE databases.
8HSTAR was formed by the merger of HEALTH (1978-1995) and HealthSTAR (1994-1995).
9Watch the National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) home page at for future announcements of subject strategies.
10POPLINE meeting abstracts were not converted to the NLM Gateway because there were fewer than 1,200 and they all had a publication date prior to 1989.
11Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs and NLM ceased the POPLINE Agreement. See the References below for more details.

ECRI - a nonprofit health services research agency based in Plymouth Meeting, PA
HMD - History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine
KIE - Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NLM - National Library of Medicine
TBA - To be announced

AVLINE® and CATLINE® Data To Be Removed from Other NLM Databases [corrected 1999/02/09]. NLM Technical Bulletin 1998 Sep-Oct;(304):e7.

Correction to the September-October 1998 NLM Technical Bulletin titled AVLINE® and CATLINE® Data To Be Removed from Other NLM Databases. NLM Technical Bulletin. 1999 January-February;(306):e1.

HealthSTAR Unique Journal Citations Migrate to PubMed. NLM Technical Bulletin. 1999 May-June;(308):e3.

ChemIDplus: A Web-Based Chemical Search System. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 Mar-Apr;(313):e3.

Organization of National Library of Medicine Bibliographic Databases. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 May-Jun;(314):e1.

Migration of Monographic Citations to LocatorPlus. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 May-Jun;(314):e4.

NLM Gateway: Your Entrance to the Knowledge Resources of the National Library of Medicine. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 Nov-Dec;(317):e1.

NLM Leases MEDLINE and other Databases in XML Format at No Charge in 2001. NLM Tech Bull. 2000 Nov-Dec;(317):e5.

Internet Grateful Med to Be Retired; Reminder of NLM Gateway Availability. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Jan-Feb;(318):e3.

NLM Leases CATFILEplus. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Jan-Feb;(318):e5.

Next Generation TOXLINE. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Jan-Feb;(318):e6.

AIDS-related Citations Added to PubMed® and the NLM Gateway. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 May-Jun;(320):e6.

More Monographic Citations Migrated to LocatorPlus. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Jul-Aug;(321):e4.

Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs and NLM Cease POPLINE Agreement. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Jul-Aug;(321):e5.

Space Life Sciences Citations Added to PubMed® and the NLM Gateway. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Sep-Oct;(322):e2.

Space Life Sciences and Bioethics - New PubMed® Subsets. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Sep-Oct;(322):e3.

History of Medicine-related Journal Citations Added to PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Sep-Oct;(322):e4.

Bioethics Citations Added to PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Sep-Oct;(322):e5.

History of Medicine - New PubMed® Subset. NLM Tech Bull. 2001 Nov-Dec;(323):e5.

Migration of Monographic Citations to LocatorPlus: Merge Project. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Jul-Aug;(327):e3.

Population-related Citations Added to MEDLINE®/PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Sep-Oct;(328):e3.

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