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The Spallation Neutron Source
Features in This Issue - Volume 42, Number 3, 2009



Of Scale and Science

Boldly conceived as a neutron source that would surpass the performance of European and Asian competitors by a factor of ten, the Spallation Neutron Source was a design challenge beyond the capabilities of a single national laboratory. More...




NOAA-Oak Ridge Expand Climate Modeling
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will provide $215 million to Oak Ridge National Laboratory over the next five years to support climate research. More...


ORNL, GE Collaborate on High-Efficiency Water Heater
A collaboration between ORNL and General Electric will result in the manufacturing of a "hybrid" electric water heater that consumes half the energy of standard models. More...


Electric Vehicles Becoming a Reality
DOE has selected Tennessee as one of five states participating in what is being described as "the largest deployment of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure ever undertaken." More...




Now, The Science
The SNS seeks to integrate a variety of scientific disciplines. More...


Where None Have Gone Before
The SNS seeks to break the world record by ten-fold. More...


A Losing Bet
The scientific vortex of the SNS is its target. More...


Cross Pollination
The SNS is attracting research beyond conventional physics. More...


Imitating Mother Nature
Researchers use two ORNL facilities to develop synthetic cell membranes. More...


An International Affair
Foreign governments are investing in the SNS. More...


Instruments of Change
A remarkable suite of instruments harnesses the power of the SNS. More...


Unconventional Understanding
High-temperature superconductors could revolutionize the use of electricity. More...


Doubling Down
Plans are under way to double the capacity of the Spallation Neutron Source. More...




Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson has decades of research experience across the U.S. and Europe. So what brought Ian to ORNL and the Spallation Neutron Source? More...




Heal Thyself
Researchers develop 'self-healing' polymers at the nanoscale. More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Reference Desk:
View videos, guides, and papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review. More...


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