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American Science Takes the Lead
Features in This Issue - Volume 42, Number 1, 2009



A Vision Realized

This issue of the ORNL Review is dedicated to the vision, articulated by the scientific community and championed by the Department of Energy, to build a Leadership-Class Facility dedicated to restoring American leadership in high-performance computing. More...




Jaguar's Coming Out Party
ORNL's new Jaguar supercomputer received a variety of honors at the SC08 conference in Austin, Texas. More...


The European Spallation Source
Only two years have passed since ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source began to generate the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world, but the race to build a successor to the SNS has already begun. More...


Clean Energy Summit
Clean Energy was the focus among the high-profile business and research leaders at the Governor's Summit on Clean Energy held in Knoxville, Tennessee. More...




The Gamble That Paid
A risk enables Oak Ridge National Laboratory to break the petaflop barrier. More...


Kraken Rising
ORNL is partnering with the University of Tennessee on the assembly and start-up of Kraken, another massive Cray XT5 system. More...


Superconductivity from Supercomputers
New supercomputers at ORNL are unlocking the mysteries of superconducting materials. More...


Going Underground
Jaguar makes possible the largest groundwater simulations. More...


Hotter Than The Sun
Progress continues on the quest for a lasting source of clean energy. More...


The Performance Police
Software engineers monitor problems that threaten climate simulations. More...


Doubling Fuel Efficiency
Low-temperature combustion technology may save energy and cut emissions. More...


Invisible Means of Support
Astrophysicists simulate the dark matter that cradles a galaxy. More...




James Hack
When James Hack came to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in late 2007, he was given two hats: one as the director of ORNL's National Center for Computational Sciences and the other as leader of ORNL's laboratory-wide climate science effort. More...




Cosmic Cauldrons
Researchers challenge conventional wisdom concerning how heavy elements are formed in exploding stars. More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Reference Desk:
View videos, guides, and papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review. More...


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