
Landsat Liftoff Opens New Chapter in Earth Observation


Landsat 8 lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California February 11, beginning a mission to constantly collect data about surface conditions on Earth. The mission puts more sensitive instruments in orbit, opening the latest chapter in Earth observation.

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U.S. to Auction Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Exploration Rights


Oil and gas prospectors will be able to bid on leases March 20 to explore and develop petroleum resources in the central Gulf of Mexico as part of the Obama administration’s five-year leasing program for the region.

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Threatened Fish Stocks Need More Management, Analysts Say


With climate change and illegal fishing threatening fish stocks and ocean health around the world, countries need to work together and with industry to manage access to fish, analysts say.

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Shipping Lane Changes Aim to Protect Whales off California Coast


Busy shipping lanes off the California coast, including routes that cross three national marine sanctuaries, will be adjusted to protect endangered whales from ship strikes.

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State Dept. Fact Sheet on Energy Diplomacy in 21st Century

“Energy cuts across the entirety of U.S. foreign policy. It’s a matter of national security and global stability. It’s at the heart of the global economy. It’s also an issue of democracy and human rights.” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Talks on Global Climate Change Open in Doha, Qatar


The world’s top decision makers on climate are meeting in Doha, Qatar, over the next two weeks for the U.N. Climate Change Conference. The 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework on Climate Change is expected to focus on strategies for accelerating actions to reduce greenhouse gases and to inhibit the increase of global temperatures.

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California Puts a Price on Carbon


California is holding its first carbon emissions permit auction November 14. The auction is a critical component of the state’s cap-and-trade program, a market-based initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating incentives for companies to limit their pollution.

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Scientists Theorize Global Sunblock Could Lessen Warming


Blocking the sunlight that reaches Earth might be another means to lessen the effects of climate change, some U.S. scientists theorize.

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US Hosts Briefing by IUCN DG Marton-Lefrevre on World Conseration Congress

The United States is proud of its association with the IUCN. There are 91 IUCN members in the United States, including the Department of State and six other U.S. Government agencies and over 50 non-governmental organizations. We look forward to continuing that relationship for many years to come.

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President Obama: Remarks to the UN General Assembly

There is no speech that justifies mindless violence. There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There’s no video that justifies an attack on an embassy.

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