For More Information

To search for any NOS publication, see the NOAA Library catalog on the NOAA Central Library Web Site


This page includes links to the publications Web pages of all NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) program offices.

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Publications page

Center for Operational and Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)

This page includes procedural manuals, technical reports, and standards and procedure documents for using CO-OPS products. Most of the publications are available for download.

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Publications page

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)

This page allows visitors to search over 1,800 NCCOS publications, including reports, scientific articles, and educational materials. Visitors also have the option of sorting publications according to popular requests and peer versus non-peer review. Some documents are available for download.

National Geodetic Survey Publications page

National Geodetic Survey (NGS)

This page provides access to a wide range of geodesy publications including popular NGS publications and recommended reading; basic geodesy science and history articles; and articles on NGS-specific technology, including the Global Positioning System, the National Spatial Reference System, remote sensing, vertical datums, and others. All of the publications are available online.

NOAA Coastal Services Center Publicatons page

NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC)

CSC publishes numerous publications of interest to the nation's coastal resource managers. On this page, visitors can access periodicals, technical reports, conference and workshop proceedings, and other publications of interest. CSC also maintains the CSC Library, which provides electronic access to nearly 5,000 coastal management documents produced by the U.S. coastal states in response to the Coastal Zone Management Act.

Office of Coast Survey Publications page

Office of Coast Survey (OCS)

OCS produces and maintains nautical charts covering the coastal waters of the U.S. and its territories. The OCS nautical chart & publication page offers an online chart viewer, chart catalogs, information on charting products, and technical reports that provide additional information about the activities of Coast Survey.

National Marine Sanctuaries Program Publications page

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS)

The ONMS Library page provides access to hundreds of publications and documents about national marine sanctuaries. Included are scientific, educational, and technical publications; sanctuary newsletters; management plan reviews; and general educational materials. All of the materials are available online.

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management Publications page

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)

This page provides online access to documents created by or for state coastal management and National Estuarine Research Reserve programs. Also provided are technology and electronic grants information, outreach and education materials, and a list of OCRM staff and experts.

Office of Response and Restoration Publications page

Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)

The OR&R Publications page provides access to publications containing scientific information, field guides, and other materials for many topics, including restoration, oil and chemical spill response, and environmental planning.
