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(Wikimedia Commons / Photo 1: skinnylawyer / Photo 2: TheDigitel Myrtle Beach / Photo 3: Spsmiler)

The Energy Analysis and Sustainability Division's mission includes:

  • Technology Evaluation

    The division researches and evaluates the technical feasibility, environmental sustainability, safety, efficient integration, and social benefits and costs of advanced vehicle and fuel technologies, supporting the USDOT commitment to reduced transportation energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Policy Development & Implementation

    The division assists in the development and implementation of national policies and regulations to promote or require reductions in vehicle and transportation infrastructure energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Safety & Sustainability

    The division evaluates the tradeoffs among risks and benefits of technologies and policies designed to promote environmental sustainability, while maintaining or enhancing transportation system safety.

  • Within Modes, Across Modes

    The division researches energy and sustainability from the vehicle to the transportation system, resulting In a truly multimodal, system-wide approach.

Supporting work such as:

  • Alternative Fuels: Led research for the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI). Assisted FAA in development of a fuel readiness evaluation tool for new, alternative jet fuel. Evaluated feasibility of transporting alternative jet fuels over current transportation network. Provided insight to DOE regarding the alternative fuel roadmap.
  • Sustainability: Assisted transportation facility operators in making their buildings and operations carbon-neutral. Helped FAA in developing a requirement to implement sustainable buildings for airport and air traffic facilities. Co-facilitated MassDOT Carbon Neutral Airport Project.
  • Technology and Safety: Assisted in developing regulations requiring truck manufacturers to reduce energy use. Aided Park Service in evaluating and procuring advanced technology vehicles for passenger transport and park maintenance. Supported the park service in procuring advanced technology vehicles for public transportation within parks. Administered pilot tests of alternative fuel vehicles. Provided input to NHTSA for evaluating safety impacts of advanced technology vehicles. Helped FTA evaluate proposals for improving public transit. Helped FAA author new regulations for pilot work hours.


  • Development and application of evaluative tools for analyzing technical feasibility and environmental sustainability of alternative transportation energy options
  • Green rating systems for infrastructure and transportation buildings
  • Greenhouse gas accounting and reduction approaches
  • High Performance Sustainable Building (HPSB) policy and actual new construction design technical support
  • Refined Building Energy Modeling (e.g. DOE Energy Plus)
  • Agency operational changes to save money and optimize environmental sustainability
  • Economic and regulatory analyses

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