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Office of Legislative Affairs

Headquarters Marine Corps

Congressional Correspondence Section

This section is designed to provide Marines, former Marines, family members of Marines and former Marines, and caseworkers guidance on where to obtain specific information related to service in the U.S. Marine Corps.  Please visit the links below to find more specific information on these common subjects.  Semper Fidelis!

Section Head:  Ms. Thelma English 
Comm:  (703) 614-1738 
DSN: 224-1738 

*Note to Congressional Caseworkers:

The Commandant of the Marine Corps has charged the Recruiting Station Commanders with the responsibility of determining an applicant's qualifications for enlistment based on established criteria. An enlistment waiver can be disapproved at any level during the staffing process without forwarding to the next higher level for resolution. Requests for waiver consideration should be submitted only when highly favorable traits or mitigating circumstances outweigh the reasons for disqualification and enlistment of the applicant is in the best interest of the Marine Corps. Our representatives evaluate its personnel with a "whole person concept" and must weigh all favorable and unfavorable factors and evaluation eligibility in great detail, to include any previous drug usage, involvement with civil authorities, or tattoos in violation of Marine Corps Policy. In addition, we also closely assess education levels, ASVAB scores, age limitations, credit history, and number of dependents.