BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publication HIV in Prisons, 1997

Laura M. Maruschak

November 1, 1999    NCJ 178284

Provides the number of HIV-positive and active AIDS cases among prisoners held in each state and the federal prison system at yearend 1997. For prisons, the report provides data on the number of AIDS-related deaths, HIV-testing policies, a breakdown for women and men with AIDS, and comparisons to AIDS rates in the general populations. Based on the 1997 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities, the report also provides such estimates by sex, race, Hispanic origin, age, education, marital status, and current offense and estimates by selected risk factors, such as prior drug use.


  • Between 1991 and 1997 the number of HIV-positive prisoners grew at a slower rate (34%) than the overall prison population (49%).
  • At yearend 1997, 3.5% of all female state prison inmates were HIV positive, compared to 2.2% of male state prisoners.
  • New York held about a third of all inmates (7,500 inmates) known to be HIV positive at yearend 1997.
  • Of all HIV-positive prison inmates, 26% were confirmed AIDS cases. In state prisons 26% of HIV-positive inmates had AIDS; in federal prisons, 36%.

Part of the HIV in Prisons and Jails Series

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National Prisoner Statistics (NPS)

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