DoDEA HQ Office of Communications

4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400

The DoDEA Communications Office initiates and manages DoDEA's communications and outreach efforts worldwide. The office coordinates press relations, internal information programs and communication with students, parents, teachers, school administrators and the public.

The HQ Communications Office:

Issues news releases and media advisories about DoDEA initiatives, employees and programs Produces video and television promotional and informational products marketed worldwide Maintains the DoDEA web site Designs printed promotional and informational material and graphic artwork to accompany publications, promotions and initiatives

For Immediate Release — October 29, 2010 | HQ
: DoDEA Educational Communications Officers | (703) 588-3260
: DoDEA Educational Communications Officers | (703) 588-3265

ARLINGTON, VA — October 29, 2010 — The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) will administer its biennial Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) from November 1 through December 15. The CSS provides valuable feedback to DoDEA from its most important customers – students and parents – about the quality of education it provides and areas needing improvement.

As with prior Customer Satisfaction Surveys, participation remains voluntary and maximum participation is encouraged in order to obtain reliable and valid data.

The survey was developed through a review process of various groups, including DoDEA Area Representatives, DoDEA Headquarters Staff, as well as external sources. Some questions were adapted from the Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward Schools with additional DoDEA-specific questions. Officials estimate it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey which will be available online at, and clicking on the CSS link.

DoDEA Principal Deputy Director and Associate Director for Education, Mr. Charlie Toth, stressed the importance of the survey to the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement.

“The Customer Satisfaction Survey provides us with valuable information to direct our efforts at continuous improvement,” he said. “What we learn from the survey is critical to developing our systemic thinking of how we can improve what we do for our students.”

Mr. Toth also emphasized the importance of survey participation.

“I want to encourage all parents and students to participate in the survey. A high response rate provides our schools with valuable information about their programs and is part of our continual efforts to improve the quality of education provided to students of military families.”

Information derived from the surveys will be used to improve planning efforts at all levels throughout DoDEA. Schools, districts, and areas will use the survey results to gain insight into the satisfaction levels of sponsors and students, which is one of many measures used for future planning of programs and services offered to DoDEA’s students. The survey results will also be used to revise and develop the next edition of the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan (CSP), which will contain the strategic direction for DoDEA for the years 2011-2016.

DoDEA plans, directs, coordinates, and manages pre-kindergarten through Grade 12 educational programs for Department of Defense (DoD) dependents who would otherwise not have access to a rigorous, high-quality, public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, and the United States as well as on military installations in Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to local education activities throughout the U.S. that serve children of military families.

For more information on the CSS, visit the DoDEA website.