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AmeriCorps Week


Each year during AmeriCorps Week, we recognize the commitment of AmeriCorps members and alums by highlighting the extraordinary impact AmeriCorps makes across our nation every day. This year, AmeriCorps Week will take place March 9-17, 2013.

National Service Works for Education

AmeriCorps Week is a time to salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their service, thank AmeriCorps community partners, and communicate AmeriCorps impact on communities and on the lives of those who serve.

This year's theme, AmeriCorps Works, reflects AmeriCorps triple bottom line return on investment -- for the recipients of service, the people who serve, and the larger community and nation. Check out our videos that tell stories about the impact of national service in helping communities hit by disaster, in the classroom, and in support of veterans and military families.

Hundreds of events are taking place across the United States service projects, recruitment fairs, school presentations, alumni gatherings, awards ceremonies, and more.

AmeriCorps Fast Facts

  • 800,000: Number of individuals who have served as AmeriCorps members since 1994.
  • 1 Billion: Total number of hours served by AmeriCorps members.
  • $2.4 Billion: Total amount of Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards earned by AmeriCorps members.
  • 4 Million: Number of community volunteers managed or mobilized by AmeriCorps members in 2012.
  • 15,000: Number of nonprofit, faith-based, and community organizations that AmeriCorps members serve with.
  • $480 Million: Value of non-CNCS cash and in-kind donations leveraged by AmeriCorps programs in 2010.

Learn how you can continue to highlight your work by using the AmeriCorps Week Impact Guide. And y ou can also use social media to share the positive impact that AmeriCorps has on our communities by joining the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

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