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Institute of Education Sciences

IES Centers
Title:  The Effects of Connected Mathematics 2 on Math Achievement in Grade 6 in the Mid-Atlantic Region
Description: For report NCEE 2012-4017 The Effects of Connected Mathematics 2 on Math Achievement in Grade 6 in the Mid-Atlantic Region

This data file contains data from a cluster randomized to evaluate the effect of CMP2 on the mathematics achievement of grade 6 students. The study found no statistically significant impact on TerraNova posttest scores. The final analysis included 65 schools, including 5,677 students for the TerraNova and 5,584 for the PTV. This was 82 percent of the eligible students (students enrolled in a regular grade 6 mathematics class in a study school at the time of pretest) for the TerraNova at posttest and 80 percent of the eligible students for the PTV at pretest.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 2012
Web Release: November 26, 2012
Print Release: November 26, 2012
Publication #: NCEE 20124031
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCEE
Associated Centers: REL
Authors: Taylor Martin Sarah J. Brasiel Herb Turner John C. Wise
Type of Product: Data File
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Erin Pollard.