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USAID Deputy Mission Director Brooke Isham speaks at the launch of a new USAID project in Kabul.


USAID Deputy Mission Director Brooke Isham speaks at the launch of a new USAID project in Kabul.

USAID Mission Director Ken Yamashita joins Deputy Minister, Mobarez Rashedi, Ministry of Information and Culture, in congratulating the CEO of AIMS, Mr. Mohammad Najeeb Azizi, on the launch of the MoCIT


USAID Mission Director Ken Yamashita joins Deputy Minister, Mobarez Rashedi, Ministry of Information and Culture, in congratulating the CEO of AIMS, Mr. Mohammad Najeeb Azizi, on the launch of the MoCIT's new innovation grants program. This program is funded by the World Bank with grants implementation by AIMS.

Students from the newly established Panjsher Institute overcome a lack of electricity and classroom resources to achieve success at the Afghan National Round of Jessup International Moot Court Competition.

PhotoUSAID's RLS-Formal

The team from Panjsher Institute poses with their coaches at the Afghan National Round of theJessup International Moot Court Competition.


Kabul Municipality and Kabul City Initiative (KCI) Inaugurated four world class public parks between November 2012 and January 2013.  All four parks are equipped with safe, colorful playground equipment.


Kabul Municipality and Kabul City Initiative (KCI) Inaugurated four world class public parks between November 2012 and January 2013. All four parks are equipped with safe, colorful playground equipment.

In the past, people were forced to go from one municipal department to the next in search of help. Some requests would simply get lost because there was no way to track them


A municipal employee at the newly-launched information service desk