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Fiscal Year 2010 Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations

Cover of the Fiscal Year 2010 Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of State must be fully empowered and funded to confront the multi-dimensional challenges that face the United States today – from working with allies to thwart terrorism, to spreading health and prosperity in places of human suffering. To meet these challenges, the FY 2010 request reflects President Obama’s commitment to strengthen U.S. foreign assistance capacity by significantly increasing the core programming, policy, and management capabilities of the State Department and USAID.

The resources in this request put the United States on a path to double U.S. foreign assistance by 2015, thereby providing the resources needed to help the world’s weakest states reduce poverty, combat global health threats, develop markets, govern peacefully, and expand democracy worldwide. The FY 2010 Function 150 International Affairs request totals $53.9 billion, an increase of 9 percent over the FY 2009 total, which includes both enacted and requested emergency supplemental funding. The FY 2010 Foreign Operations request for USAID, the Department of State and other foreign affairs agencies totals $36.7 billion, an increase of 8 percent over the FY 2009 total.

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