Last modified 6 months ago Last modified on 09/06/2012 01:30:29 PM

Installing the Development version of EXPGUI

If you would like to use the absolutely latest version of EXPGUI, this can be downloaded from its repository at If loaded into a directory parallel to the gsas/expgui directory, both the release standard and development versions can be made available with different shortcuts. Instructions for loading the development versions will be provided below.


Step 1: Figure out where to install

Determine where GSAS & EXPGUI are installed; the test version must be placed in a directory parallel to that, but the directory name is up to you. E.g. if EXPGUI is located at Z:\GSAS\EXPGUI use Z:\GSAS\SANDBOX, or C:\Programs and Settings\me\GSAS\EXPGUI use C:\Programs and Settings\me\GSAS\TESTEXPGUI

Step 2: Install the code

Since the sandbox is constantly changing, I strongly encourage use of option (A) or (B):

(A) If you have TortoiseSVN installed, you can use that to install the latest version of the code directly from repository location into the directory you have selected above. For hints on use of TortoiseSVN, see

(B) Use the batch file below to install the files (this assumes that the self-upgrading EXPGUI has already been installed.) Download this file into the ...\GSAS\ subdirectory and then run it. The development files will be placed in ...\GSAS\sandbox\.

(C) Or you can use this link to download the files in a zip archive. Create the directory where the files will be placed and then unpack the files there. Note that if you use this method, you will need to download files each time to update -- the update button under help will not work for the development version for EXPGUI.

Step 3: Create a shortcut or .BAT file to run the Development version of EXPGUI

You can create a shortcut by following the recipe found here.

You can make a copy of the StartEXPGUI.bat file in the GSAS directory: Then edit the final line:

from "%gsasloc%exe\ncnrpack.exe" "%gsasloc%expgui\expgui" %1

to "%gsasloc%exe\ncnrpack.exe" "%gsasloc%sandbox\expgui" %1

For Linux and Mac OS X

Step 1: Figure out where to install

Determine where GSAS & EXPGUI are installed; the test version must be placed in a directory parallel to that, but the directory name is up to you. E.g. if EXPGUI is located at /usr/local/gsas/expgui use /usr/local/gsas/SANDBOX etc. Note that the name of the directory (SANDBOX above) is up to you.

Step 2: Install the code

If you have subversion (svn) installed, you can use that to install the latest version of the code directly from repository location with something like this command:

svn co /usr/local/gsas/SANDBOX

Or you can use this link to download the files in a zip archive. Unpack them into the directory you have selected above.

Step 3: Create a shortcut mechanism to run the Development version of EXPGUI

This is a bit tricky. You need to invoke a command something like this:

/usr/local/gsas/exe/ncnpack /usr/local/gsas/SANDBOX/expgui

This can be done from the command line or with a shell script.

If you want to use the EXPGUI AppleScript, you will need to make a copy of it and edit it with the AppleScript editor. Change the location of expgui in the script (in two places) from expgui:expgui to SANDBOX:expgui.

Desktop shortcuts are also possible in linux.

Batch file to load the Development version of EXPGUI

@REM this script must be run from the GSAS installation directory
@echo *******************************************************
@echo **** Installing the development version of EXPGUI *****
@echo This file assumes GSAS & EXPGUI are already installed.
@echo This also assumes that this .bat file is placed in the
@echo main GSAS directory (e.g. C:\GSAS etc.)
@echo Press return to start development EXPGUI install
@echo *****************************************
@if exist expgui goto getexpgui
@ECHO *************************************************************************
@ECHO EXPGUI directory not found. You very likely have this script in the 
@ECHO wrong place. Install aborted!
@ECHO *************************************************************************
@ECHO Loading development EXPGUI from subversion server
.\svn\bin\svn co sandbox
@echo **************************************************
@echo Install has completed. Development EXPGUI will now be started.
@echo **************************************************
%COMSPEC% /c "start exe\ncnrpack.exe sandbox\expgui"