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News from the Mission

  • Secretary Kerry
    Secretary of State Kerry's Trip to Italy and other Countries in Europe and the Middle East

    February 27/28, 2013 -- [...] In Rome, Italy, he will meet with senior Italian government officials and participate in a number of bilateral and multilateral meetings with our European allies to review the wider trans-Atlantic relationship and to discuss issues of global concern. While in Rome, Secretary Kerry will participate in multilateral meetings on Syria, and with the leadership of the Syrian Opposition Coalition. 

  • ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Visit to Rome by US Secretary of State John Kerry - 27/28 February 2013

    February 25, 2013 -- Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in covering the events planned at Villa Madama for US secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Rome on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 February are asked to apply for accreditation using the online accreditation system now available at the “Journalists Area” on the home page of the foreign ministry’s website

  • "Investing in a strong Foreign Policy" - Address by Secretary of State John Kerry at the University of Virginia
    "Investing in a strong Foreign Policy" - Address by Secretary of State John Kerry at the University of Virginia

    February 20, 2013 -- Our sense of responsibility cannot be reserved for responses to emergencies alone. It has to be exercised in the pursuit of preventing disaster, of strengthening alliances, of building markets, of promoting universal rights, and standing up for our values. 

  • Statement by the President on His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
    Statement by the President on His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

    February 11, 2013 -- On behalf of Americans everywhere, Michelle and I wish to extend our appreciation and prayers to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Michelle and I warmly remember our meeting with the Holy Father in 2009, and I have appreciated our work together over these last four years. 

  • Pope Benedict XVI
    Secretary Kerry on the Resignation of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

    February 11, 2013 -- He has been a man of action and principle, working to promote human rights and dignity in places around the globe where they are too often denied, and a voice of clarity and conviction about our obligations as stewards of a fragile planet.  

  • Remarks by Chargé Douglas Hengel to Italian Institute for Strategic Studies Global Trends 2030 Report
    Remarks by Chargé Douglas Hengel to Italian Institute for Strategic Studies Global Trends 2030 Report

    Rome, February 7, 2013 -- [...] This is a lesson which the United States already has taken to heart – almost as a mantra. There is no question that we are strongest when we act together with our friends and partners. With our European allies – and Italy is at the forefront – we have made impressive progress on issues such as counter-terrorism, nonproliferation, human rights, anti-piracy and others. 

  • The role and future of the American pharmaceutical industry in Italy
    Remarks by Ambassador David Thorne “The role and future of the American pharmaceutical industry in Italy”

    Rome, February 5, 2013 -- [...] A period of great economic challenge is also an opportunity to take a fresh, positive look at the situation and develop a new vision and new strategies for a stronger, durable economic future. As many of you know, I have been a strong believer in the potential of emerging technologies and cutting-edge industries to drive economic growth in Italy as it has in the United States. 

  • Welcome Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry to Employees
    Welcome Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry to Employees

    Washington, DC, February 4, 2013 -- [...] I have to tell you, I liked my cubicle over there in transition corner. But I cannot tell you how great it feels to sort of be liberated to know that I actually get to explore the whole building now. So I’ve been freed. I’m the first person you guys freed today. This is pretty good. And if I’m wandering around the building later, and I sort of wind up in your office, it’s not because I’m there for a meeting, it’s because I’m lost and I need directions.  

  • In Memory of Captain Lucas Gruenther

    February 1, 2013 -- Today Americans and Italians together mourn the loss of Captain Lucas Gruenther, an American F-16 pilot fighter with a record of distinguished service in Afghanistan, who died while flying over the Adriatic Sea on January 28.  

  • February 2013 -- National African American History Month
    February 2013 -- National African American History Month

    February 2013 -- [...] The celebration was expanded to a month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history. 

  • The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
    Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Italian President Napolitano

    January 30, 2013 -- On Friday, February 15, President Obama will host President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy in the Oval Office. President Napolitano will soon conclude his term in office, following a long and distinguished career of service to Italy, a close ally and friend of the United States.  

  • American Chamber of Commerce in Italy logo
    Remarks by Ambassador Thorne at American Chamber of Commerce in Italy

    Rome, January 29, 2013 -- [...] The United States and Europe are in an era of real choices. When making decisions today, we are deciding where we want to be in 2023. We all recognize that globalization is the disruptive economic condition in which we find ourselves, and it will shape all of our decisions and priorities during the next 10 years.  

  • Secretary Clinton
    U.S. Department of State, Announce Full-Court Press to Empower Women and Girls through Sports

    January 28, 2013 -- The U.S. Department of State, the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) will build on their long-time partnership to elevate efforts worldwide to empower women and girls through sports. Today, Tamika Raymond, Nykesha Sales, and Becky Bonner will travel to Ukraine to engage underserved girls in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk. 

  • International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
    International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

    January 27, 2013 -- [...] January 27 is currently officially recognized as a day of remembrance for Holocaust victims in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany, because it marks the day when an advancing Soviet army liberated the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Poland. 

  • Senator John Kerry
    Senator Kerry at Senate Confirmation Hearing

    Washington, D.C., January 24, 2013 -- [...] I will tell you that I have enjoyed Chairing this Committee and working with all of you as much as anything I have been privileged to do in my career. I think this is one of the great Committees of the Senate and it is the only major Committee I have served on every single day since I arrived here in 1985 

  • Embassy Hosts Inaugural Watch Party
    Embassy Hosts Inaugural Watch Party

    Rome, January 21, 2013 -- Inauguration Day 2013 was not only the first day of President Obama's second term but in Rome it was also a festive occasion at the American Embassy. The Public Affairs Section, in collaboration with Amerigo, the Italian organization for all U.S. government-funded exchange program alumni, hosted an Inaugural Watch Party at the Embassy with a giant screen to follow the swearing-in and Inaugural Address.  

  • 2014 Venice Architectural Biennale Grant Competition Announced
    2014 Venice Architectural Biennale Grant Competition Announced

    Venice 2014 -- The Department of State supports official U.S. participation at select international art exhibitions such as the Venice Architectural Biennale (June 7 – November 23, 2014). The Department's support ensures that the excellence, vitality, and diversity of American arts are effectively showcased abroad and provides an opportunity to engage foreign audiences to increase mutual understanding.  

  • Italian President Giorgio Napolitano meets Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta
    Panetta, in Italy, Addresses Global, Local Issues

    Rome, January 16, 2013 -- Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Italian government officials discussed a range of issues here today, from conflict in Africa to security transition in Afghanistan to Sicilian concerns about a proposed U.S. communications facility there. The secretary met with government officials including President Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Mario Monti, Foreign Affairs minister Giulio Terzi di Sant' Agata and Defense Minister Giampaolo Di Paola. 

  • Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta arrived to Rome (DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo)
    Panetta Travels to Rome to Meet With Italian Leaders

    Rome, January 15, 2013 -- Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta arrived here today on the third leg of his tour of European capitals. “I guess it goes without saying that it has a lot of tremendous personal meaning for me, since I'm the son of Italian immigrants,” the secretary said yesterday to reporters traveling with him. 

  • Anniversary of Costa Concordia Tragedy

    Rome, January 13, 2013 -- On the occasion of this sad anniversary, we extend our sympathies to the families of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives in the Costa Concordia tragedy one year ago. U.S. Embassy Chargè, Douglas Hengel attended commemoration ceremonies today on Giglio Island. 

  • “The Role of the U.S. in the World after the recent Presidential Elections”, Remarks by the U.S. Ambassador David H. Thorne
    “The Role of the U.S. in the World after the recent Presidential Elections”, Remarks by the U.S. Ambassador David H. Thorne

    Rome, January 8, 2013 -- [...] The American people have cast their ballots. Determining what they have really voted for, however, is not a simple matter. They re-elected a Democratic president. They also returned a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. And they voted for continued Democratic control of the Senate.  

  • Remarks by the President at Nomination of Senator John Kerry as Secretary of State
    Remarks by the President at Nomination of Senator John Kerry as Secretary of State

    Washington, D.C., December 21, 2012 -- [...] Today, though, I’m looking ahead to my second term, and I am very proud to announce my choice for America’s next Secretary of State -- John Kerry. In a sense, John’s entire life has prepared him for this role. As the son of a Foreign Service officer, he has a deep respect for the men and women of the State Department -- the role they play in advancing our interests and values, the risks that they undertake and the sacrifices that they make along with their families.  

  • Remarks by Ambassador Thorne at the "Political Communication Conference"
    Remarks by Ambassador Thorne at the "Political Communication Conference"

    Rome, Chamber of Deputies, December 5, 2012 -- [...] It is an honor to be here in this great room – named in memory of Aldo Moro – in Italy’s Chamber of Deputies. My thanks to Vice President Maurizio Lupi for making it possible for us to meet here and to Roberto Rao, Francesco Boccia and Gianni Riotta for their participation today.  

  • Cleanweb Hackathon
    The Ambassador Thorne at the Cleanweb Hackathon

    Rome, November 30, 2012 -- [...] . I am glad to see that this event moves forward on these same objectives. I am proud the U.S. is exporting a powerful, innovative idea – the Cleanweb Hackathon - as a collaborative effort to promote sustainable growth and clean energy.  

  • Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2012
    Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2012

    Washington, D.C., November 22, 2012 -- On Thanksgiving Day, Americans everywhere gather with family and friends to recount the joys and blessings of the past year. This day is a time to take stock of the fortune we have known and the kindnesses we have shared, grateful for the God-given bounty that enriches our lives. 

  • Embassy Rome Hosts Think Tank Summit
    Embassy Rome Hosts Think Tank Summit

    Rome, November 20, 2012 -- What is the role of a think tank in today’s world of 2.0, social media, and 24-hour news cycles? This was one of the questions discussed by more than 50 representatives of Europe’s leading think tanks, as well as think tanks from as far away as Argentina, Japan, UAE, and Russia.  

  • Remarks at the Release of the 2012 Open Doors Report
    Remarks at the Release of the 2012 Open Doors Report

    [...] Good morning and welcome! Thank you for that kind introduction, Allan, and for your partnership with the State Department on the Open Doors report. Let me also welcome the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, led by Chairman Tom Healy. We’re grateful for the work they do in international education. 

  • Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne at ASPEN Italia
    Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne at ASPEN Italia

    Rome, November 14, 2012 -- I am very pleased to be here, and I am grateful to President Tremonti and Aspen Italia for inviting me to join you today. After a long election cycle that the entire world followed with close interest, America has decided. Political scientists and pundits will spend months and even years to analyze what happened and why.  

  • Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne  School of Government LUISS University
    Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne School of Government LUISS University

    November 9, 2012 -- I’m very pleased to be here today, and let me express my appreciation to the LUISS School of Government for providing this opportunity. The theme of the U.S. Embassy’s election night event was America Decides 2012. Well, America decided. The political scientists will spend months and even years analyzing what happened and why, but a few observations seem readily apparent. 

  • The U.S. Elections 2012
    The U.S. Elections 2012

    November 6, 2012 -- [...] Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It moves forward because of you. [...] 

  • "Best in Class Awards Ceremony", Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne
    "Best in Class Awards Ceremony", Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne

    Rome, La Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics, October 31, 2012 -- Professor Ciccarone, Professor Celant, faculty members, current and former students of the Faculty of Economics of La Sapienza University. Thank you for your invitation to join today’s gathering for the “Best in Class” Awards Ceremony. You honor me with your welcome at this time-honored and greatly respected university and with your interest in hearing my ideas and views. 

News from the Mission (older)

  • Eid-al-Adha Reception at Villa Taverna
    Eid-al-Adha Reception at Villa Taverna

    Rome, October 25, 2012 -- Religion is an important part of America’s history and our everyday life. We cherish religious freedom and recognize it as a universal human right. Many people have made sacrifices in defense of that human right, and so I think it is particularly fitting that we are together tonight on this important holiday which recognizes sacrifice. 

  • U.S. President Obama
    Columbus Day 2012 a Proclamation, by the President of the United States of America

    Washington D.C., October 5, 2012 -- As dawn broke over the Atlantic on October 12, 1492, a perilous 10-week journey across an ocean gave way to encounters and events that would dramatically shape the course of history. Today, we recall the courage and the innovative spirit that carried Christopher Columbus and his crew from a Spanish port to North America, and we celebrate our heritage as a people born of many histories and traditions. 

  • Consul General Sarah Morrison, Ambassador Thorne and Prefetto Varratta
    Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne at the IPR Workshop in Florence

    Florence, September 27, 2012 -- [...] Our goal today and tomorrow is to share best practices, build relationships, deepen cooperation between Italy and the United States, and to dive into topics central to our shared interests. We look forward to hearing the ideas and proposals that will emerge from your discussions.  

  • Arianna Huffington participates at the U.S. Embassy's Digital Economy Forum
    Arianna Huffington participates at the U.S. Embassy's Digital Economy Forum

    Rome, September 26, 2012 -- The US Embassy's Digital Economy Forum in collaboration with RENA organized a live-streamed discussion on September 26 with Arianna Huffington. 

  • Mr. and Mrs. Unruh
    U.S. Ambassador Thorne presented a certificate of appreciation to Arthur B. Unruh a decorated veteran of World War II

    Rome, September 24, 2012 -- [...] He flew 50 missions – incredibly dangerous bombing sorties against a host of enemy strategic targets. During WWII, over 100,000 Allied bomber crewmen lost their lives and roughly half of the bomber crews were either killed or wounded in action. 

  • Vice Admiral Carol Pottenger at the U.S. Embassy Rome
    Vice Admiral Carol Pottenger at the U.S. Embassy Rome

    Rome, September 21, 2012 -- Vice Admiral Carol Pottenger, deputy chief of staff Capability and Development at NATO Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia led a roundtable event at the U.S. Embassy in Rome with women from the Italian Armed Forces.  

  • “Italy: Colors & Emotions” Tri Mission Art Gallery Exhibition
    “Italy: Colors & Emotions” Tri Mission Art Gallery Exhibition

    Rome, September 21, 2012 -- [...] “Italy: Colors & Emotions” is the opening exhibit for the recently dedicated Tri-Mission Art Gallery in the United States Embassy in Rome. Quilt artists from Italy and the United States answered the October 2011 call for submissions. Since that call, they have created art quilts that reflect the emotions, history, and hues unique to Italy. 

  • Villa Taverna
    Remarks by Ambassador David H. Thorne on the presentation of the book on Villa Taverna

    Rome, September 19, 2012 -- [...] Welcome everyone to Villa Taverna and thank you for joining us today for a presentation about a project that has been very important to me and to my wife Rose. First and foremost, I would like to thank our friends—the National Italian American Foundation, the Bank of Italy, and BNL BNP Paribas Group—without whose support and collaboration this project would not have been possible. 

  • Statement by Ambassador David Thorne on the attack in Benghazi

    September 12, 2012 -- I was extremely saddened to learn about the death of four American officials killed during the deplorable attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya and join the President in condemning this vicious attack.  

  • Statement by the President on the Attack in Benghazi

    September 12, 2012 -- I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. 

  • Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya

    September 12, 2012 -- It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the death of four American personnel in Benghazi, Libya yesterday. Among them were United States Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer, Sean Smith. 

  • Coming Together to Remember September 11th
    Coming Together to Remember September 11th

    September 8, 2012 -- President Obama marked the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks in his weekly address to the American people September 8 by remembering the innocent lives lost, honoring the first responders and men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed to keep the nation safe and citing strengthened alliances across the world to fight terrorism.  

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Response Continues at Yosemite National Park

    The recent diagnosis of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in six park visitors, two of whom died, has prompted Yosemite National Park to scale up public health response and outreach.
    For more information, see the "Frequently Asked Questions about Hantavirus" webpage on the National Park Service website at: