For More Information

NOAA-Level, Interagency, and Specialty Websites

Retired Websites

NOS Websites

This page includes links to the primary websites of all NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) program and staff offices. Some NOS offices keep program information on other sites or may have field offices or regional centers that maintain separate websites. Refer to the links that say "Click here for a complete list of websites" to access information about and links to separate program sites

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)

This website is a portal for all of the products and services provided by the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, which collects, analyzes, and distributes historical and real-time observations and predictions of water levels, coastal currents, and other meteorological and oceanographic data. Complete list of CO-OPS websites.

International Program Office

Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

This website describes the Integrated Ocean Observing System, which is a federal, regional, private sector, and academic partnership that tracks, predicts, manages, and adapts to changes in our marine environments.

International Program Office

International Program Office (IPO)

This website describes the International Program Office, which coordinates the international activities of NOS. Complete list of IPO websites.

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)

This is the main website for the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, which conduct and support monitoring, research, assessment, and assistance for the range of NOS's coastal and ocean stewardship responsibilities. Complete list of NCCOS websites.

National Geodetic Survey

National Geodetic Survey (NGS)

This website provides information about the National Geodetic Survey, which defines and manages the National Spatial Reference System—the framework of latitude, longitude, height, scale, gravity, orientation, and shoreline throughout the United States. Complete list of NGS websites.

National Marine Sanctuary Program

National Marine Sanctuary Program (ONMS)

This website provides information about the nation's marine sanctuary system, including the history of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and the authorizing legislation and regulations, descriptions of the sanctuaries and links to their websites, a photo gallery for each of the sanctuaries, feature stories on selected scientific activities at some of the sanctuaries, and lists of educational resources. Complete list of ONMS websites.

NOAA Coastal Services Center

NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC)

This website includes information about NOAA's Coastal Services Center, which provides numerous technical and training services to coastal resource managers.

Office of Coast Survey

Office of Coast Survey (OCS)

This website provides information required for safe navigation of the nation's coastal waterways. The Office of Coast Survey, founded in 1807, is the nation's oldest scientific organization.

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)

This website provides information for coastal resource managers, planners, educators, scientists, and others interested in balancing the conservation and development of the nation's coastal areas. Complete list of OCRM websites.

Office of Response and Restoration

Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)

This website provides tools and information for emergency responders and planners to understand and mitigate the effects of oil and hazardous material spills in coastal waters. Complete list of OR&R websites.
