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Teen's passion for learning serves others at science museum

Homeschooler and volunteer at the Bradbury Science Museum shares his knowledge of bugs with museum visitors.
April 3, 2012
Jacob Marks, a homeschooler and volunteer at the Bradbury Science Museum

Jacob Marks, a homeschooler and volunteer at the Bradbury Science Museum, shares his knowledge of bugs with Museum visitors


  • Kurt Steinhaus
  • Community Programs Office
  • (505) 665-7370
  • Email

Homeschooler, Jacob Marks: museum resources valuable in science education

Jacob Marks made his first visit to the Bradbury Science Museum when he moved to Los Alamos with his family at the age of four. Jacob is a home-school student, so his mother Anita has made good use of the Bradbury in teaching him, and his siblings, science. They have attended the special monthly home school Museum Explorations, and Museum educators Liz Martineau and Gordon McDonough have provided Anita with personal training in how to teach her children science.

The Bradbury has been an especially important part of his development as a budding scientist, too. Liz and Gordon connected Jacob with LANL scientist Robb Hermes, as they both have an interest in ants. Last year, they worked with Jacob on his experiment to find the affect of artificial sweeteners on ants (they die from dehydration). Jacob won second place in the state science fair! 

Jacob’s enthusiasm for learning is contagious and very evident as he presents his knowledge and work on insects to preschool and kindergarten students and their parents. This summer he’s serving as a Teen Explainer at a Friday Night @ the Museum, and in the fall he will likely give demonstrations on insects at the Museum’s annual High-Tech Halloween.

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