Senate Democrats

October 2011
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Day October 6, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Thursday, October 6, 2011

LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Passed H.R.2944, the United States Parole Commission Extension Act of 2011 with a Coburn amendment which reduces the extension from 3 years to 2 years. Discharged Judiciary and Passed S.1639, a bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to authorize the American Legion under its Federal charter to provide guidance and leadership…


3 Roll Call Votes Tuesday; Cloture Filed on the Motion to Proceed to S.1660

During Thursday’s session, cloture was filed on the motion to proceed to S.1660, the American Jobs Act.  By unanimous consent, this vote will occur on Tuesday, October 11, 2011.   At approximately 5:30pm, the Senate will conduct 3 roll call votes in relation to the following: confirmation of Executive Calendar #250, Jane Margaret Triche-Milazzo, to…


Consent Agreement with Respect to Free Trade Agreements

At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of the following bills, en bloc, notwithstanding not having received the bills from the House: – H.R.3080, United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act – H.R.3079, United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation…


Reid Statement On Senate’s Vote To End Obstruction Of Bi-Partisan China Currency Bill

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement after the Senate moved to stop obstruction on a bill to end China’s underhanded currency manipulation, which has received broad bi-partisan support: “The Senate must have the ability to move forward on legislation that has broad bipartisan support. A small minority of senators cannot be allowed…


objection to amendments with respect to S.1619

This evening, Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that the Senate conduct up to 8 roll call votes in relation to the following:   – motion to suspend rule 22 with respect to the McConnell amendment #735 (Jobs Act)(67-vote threshold); – motion to suspend rule 22 with respect to the Coburn amendment #670 (foreign aid)(67-vote threshold);…


roll call vote on ruling of the Chair

6:41pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the question “Should the ruling of the Chair be sustained?”; Not Sustained: 48-51


Senate Roll Call Vote #00157

On the Decision of the Chair: Shall the Decision of the Chair Stand as the Judgment of the Senate; A bill to provide for identification of misaligned currency, require action to correct the misalignment, and for other purposes.Result: Not Sustained (48-51, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00157

On the Decision of the Chair: Shall the Decision of the Chair Stand as the Judgment of the Senate; A bill to provide for identification of misaligned currency, require action to correct the misalignment, and for other purposes.Result: Not Sustained (48-51, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Reid: Republicans Should Stop Political Games, Work With Democrats To Support Over A Million American Jobs

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding legislation to curb Chinese currency manipulation. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: Today I have the pleasure of welcoming a special guest from Nevada, the Reverend D. Edward Chaney, who just delivered an eloquent invocation. Pastor…


Heard from the Floor: Top Three Reasons to End China’s Unfair Trade Practice

The bill before the Senate that would curb currency manipulation’s receiving overwhelming support by both Democrats and Republicans. Here’s a look at the top three reasons Democratic senators support the bill, known as the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act: #1 The bill will save jobs Senator Richard Blumenthal (Conn.): “China has been manipulate its…
