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Emergency Contracts (ACI)

What is the Advanced Contracting Initiative (ACI)?

The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act authorizes the President (FEMA per Executive Order 12673) to provide financial and other forms of assistance to state and local governments and individuals to support response, recovery and mitigation efforts following a Presidential declaration of a major disaster or emergency.  The National Response Plan (NRP) is a signed agreement among federal agencies, such as USACE, that is the mechanism and structure by which the Government mobilizes resources and conducts activities to address the consequences of any major disaster or emergency that overwhelms the capabilities of state and local governments. 

USACE is responsible under the National Response Plan (NRP) for Emergency Support Function (ESF) #3, “Public Works and Engineering” to include missions for Ice, Water, Debris Removal/Reduction, Temporary Power, and Temporary Roofing.  These contracts have been awarded in advance to support natural or man-made disasters.  The contract types are predominantly Requirement/IDIQ or IDIQ contracts.  Additional information for each mission can be found at the individual mission links. 

A preference to the extent feasible and practicable shall be given to those contractors residing or doing business primarily in the area affected by a major disaster or emergency. The authority to provide preference under this subpart applies only to those acquisitions conducted during the term of a major disaster or emergency declaration made by the President of the United States under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. The Government reserves the right to use its discretion in the use of these contracts for non-FEMA related requirements
For more information on USACE Emergency Response Contracts, please visit our Headquarters site at: