Jazz in the Spring: Han Bennink

Han BenninkNext Monday, April 26th, the Mary Pickford Theater will screen Jellie Dekker’s Han Bennink: Hazentijd (2009),  the last in the film series Jazz in the Spring curated by Larry Appelbaum. Dutch Drummer and visual artist Han Bennink, who celebrated his 68th birthday on April 17th, is the subject of this stylized documentary, which follows Bennink’s creative journey from art student and free-lance percussionist, backing touring Americans like Johnny Griffin and Eric Dolphy, to the uncompromising improvisor he is today. His visual work, which he creates alone, silently and surrounded by nature, is shown as a counterpoint to his cosmopolitan and often noisy musical life. Bennink is seen captured in performance with Griffin, the ICP Orchestra, jamming with Ethiopian musicians and leading workshops with students and children.  Admission to the screening is free, but seating is limited, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  Learn more about Han Bennink External link »

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