NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

For Users

Live Status

Check here for the MOTD and to find current system status. Read More »


My NERSC is a convenient place to see your recent and queued jobs, your allocation balance, system status, and NERSC calendar. Read More »

Getting Started

This document will guide you through the basics of using NERSC's supercomputers, storage systems, and services. Read More »

Getting Help

NERSC prides itself as being the most user-friendly supercomputing center in the world. Read More »


Computational Systems

NERSC runs some of the fastest, most powerful supercomputers in the world. Read More »

Queues and Scheduling Policies

Queue look and Queue policies Read More »

Job Information

Information on running, queued and completed jobs, as well as quick links to the queue configurations. Read More »


Software on the NERSC computers includes the vendor-supplied operating systems and programming environments as well as third-party products installed by NERSC. Read More »

Accounts & Allocations

How to get and manage accounts and allocations. Read More »

Analytics & Visualization

Visualization of data is one of the primary tools for data exploration. Data analysis and data mining tools are used to compare datasets or find features within a dataset. Read More »

Data & Networking

Describes how to manage, move, store, and share data at NERSC. Read More »

Science Gateways

NERSC is helping science projects to build science gateways, which allow users to access their data, perform interesting computations and interact with the NERSC resources using web based interfaces. Read More »

Training & Tutorials

NERSC Training Events and Tutorials Read More »


NERSC's E-mail Archive Read More »

NERSC Users Group (NUG)

The NERSC Users' Group, NUG, welcomes participation from all NERSC users. NUG provides advice and feedback to NERSC on the current state and future delivery of NERSC resources and services. NUG members converse with NERSC and DOE through monthly teleconferences, NUG email lists, and yearly face-to-face meetings. Read More »