
2d Assault Amphibian Battalion
2d Marine Division
Camp Lejeune



prin and XOAdopt-a-School

On October 26, 2006, Bitz Intermediate School was officially adopted by the 2nd AA Battalion, the unit to which Sgt. Bitz had belonged. The Executive Officer, Major Robert B. Redher, and Bitz Principal, Dr. Richard Scroggs, formalized the adoption with the signing of a pledge. Each group made a promise to the other of their students saying pledgewillingness to work toward a strong partnership. As part of that promise, Bitz students raised their right hands and repeated the school pledge.

signing pledgeAbout Our Unit
The 2d Assault Amphibian Battalion, 2d Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, has a proud battle history in defense of our nation. The Gators have fought in Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian, Okinawa, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The generous support in time and effort provided by this unit will serve to enhance student learning at our adoption pledgeschool. Their partnership will help to ensure school success for all students who walk through the doors of Bitz Intermediate. We are so excited that the Gators have joined with us!

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