USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Human Trafficking

National Freedom Day: A Commitment to End Modern Slavery

Sarah Mendelson serves as deputy assistant administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance

An estimated 20 million men, women and children around the world, including thousands in the United States, are living in bondage, confirming that the fight to end slavery is far from over. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Fighting Modern Day Slavery

Since 2009, USAID’s Actions to Combat Trafficking-in-Persons program has been working closely with the Government of Bangladesh to help survivors of human trafficking through counseling and life skills training. Photo credit: Winrock International

Since 2005, USAID and the Government of Bangladesh have collaborated to address human trafficking on two fronts: by preventing it and by alleviating the suffering of its victims. Read more >>

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Ending Human Trafficking is Within Our Reach

MTV Exit's anti-slavery concert in Myanmar attracted more than 50,000 people. Photo Credit: MTV Exit / U.S. State Dept.

MTV EXIT’s 31st concert to counter trafficking in persons was held in Burma on December 16. Over 50,000 people gathered to hear multi Grammy Award-winning singer songwriter Jason Mraz perform. Read more >>

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A Roadmap to Protecting the World’s Most Vulnerable Children


The first U.S. Government Action Plan (PDF) on Children in Adversity provides an important framework through which to guide and galvanize U.S. government agencies to protect the world’s most vulnerable children. Read more >>

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16 Day Challenge: A Helping Hand for Trafficking Victims in Uzbekistan

Istikbolli Avlod NGO leaders conduct a trafficking awareness training for school teachers in Djizak, Uzbekistan. Photo Credit: IOM

Uzbekistan is at the heart of the ancient Silk Road. For centuries, people traveled across the country to exchange goods and share news. In today’s world, Uzbekistan’s strategic location has made its women prime targets for human trafficking Read more >>

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16 Day Challenge: U.S. and Afghan Governments Partner to Combat Human Trafficking

Afghan children in Nuristan Province. Photo Credit: AFP Photo/Tauseef MUSTAFA

USAID is leading a U.S. government interagency process designed to help Afghanistan combat trafficking in persons. Read more >>

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How We Can End Modern Day Slavery

After decades of isolation, Burma is quickly becoming the place to be. Today, President Obama became the first U.S. sitting President to visit Burma and last Friday, multi Emmy-award winning singer songwriter Jason Mraz announced he will headline a historic MTV EXIT concert there on December 16th to raise awareness and increase prevention of human trafficking.

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Accountability and Action: USAID’s Counter-Trafficking Policy

Sarah Mendelson is USAID’s deputy assistant administrator of the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict & Humanitarian Assistance.  This item was originally posted at FTS Blog.  Last week, the White House hosted the annual Presidential Inter-Agency Task Force (PITF) on counter-trafficking in persons (C-TIP).  This high-level meeting, chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is an opportunity [...]

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Strengthening the Fight against Modern Slavery: USAID’s Counter-Trafficking in Persons Initiative

Earlier today, I had the privilege of joining USAID Administrator Raj Shah at the White House to announce the Agency for International Development’s new counter-trafficking in persons (C-TIP) initiative. As the Ambassador who spearheads the United States’ diplomatic efforts on this issue, I’m always happy to see our partners across government strengthening their efforts to [...]

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Mobilizing the U.S. Government to Protect and Empower Women and Girls

In October 2010, I was honored to be at the UN Security Council meeting where Secretary of State Clinton announced that the United States would prepare its own National Action Plan to implement commitments on Women, Peace and Security.   Having served on the UN Civil Society Advisory Group on Resolution 1325 and as an adviser [...]

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