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United States Marine Corps Privacy Act

Headquarters Marine Corps

Unites States Marine Corps Privacy Act Online

ARSF serves as the principal advisor for the Commandant of the Marine Corps, HQMC staff agencies, and the Fleet Marine Force on all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) matters by issuing policy/guidance, providing administrative support and advice, conducting training, and monitoring overall USMC FOIA and PA program effectiveness. ARSF also serves as the HQMC FOIA Office by providing centralized FOIA request and records processing for all HQMC Departments, Divisions, and staff agencies, and is a delegated FOIA Initial Denial Authority for HQMC maintained FOIA responsive documents. ARSF also maintains the USMC inventory of PA Systems of Records Notices and directs their Federal Register publication.
Points of Contact
Commandant of the Marine Corps (ARSF)
Headquarters US Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon Rm 2B289
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Section Head
(703) 614-4008

Deputy/Privacy Act
(571) 256-9042

(703) 614-4008 

ARSF Fax: (703) 614-6287

FOIA mailbox:
Privacy mailbox: