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PPQ Recruitment and Outreach Activities

The Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) National Recruitment and Outreach Unit provides consulting and support services to management, recruiters, civil rights committees, and applicants on all aspects of recruitment, hiring and outreach.  In collaboration with headquarters and regional management, the Recruitment Unit develops comprehensive recruitment strategies, plans, and programs to identify and attract highly qualified and desirable candidates in all areas of PPQ.  Additionally, we are actively engaged in workforce and succession planning. The furtherance of diversity in PPQ has been the focus of many of our initiatives.

More information related to PPQ Recruitment will be posted to this web page as content is developed. Please check back to this page for regular updates.

Vision and Mission Statements


Our Vision:
To recruit and retain a highly qualified and diverse workforce for PPQ, instilling in them a sense of public service and commitment to safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources.

Our Mission:
To connect PPQ management with diverse and highly qualified applicants committed to helping PPQ carry out its mission of safeguarding American agriculture and natural resources.

Student Programs


Information on scholarships, internships, and work programs for students in high school through graduate school can be found on the APHIS Student Programs Web page.

Applicant Resources


Contact Information


For more information about recruitment or outreach, please contact us at ppq.recruitment@aphis.usda.gov or 1-800-762-2738.

Last Modified: August 31, 2010