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Allocation Year Rollover

Note: Allocation Year 2012 (AY12) ends at 23:59:59 on Monday, January 7, 2013. AY13 runs from Tuesday, January 8, 2013 through Monday, January 13, 2014.

Below are major changes that will go into effect with the beginning of AY13 on Tuesday, January 8, 2013. All times listed are PST.

Scheduled System Downtimes

There will be no service disruption during the allocation year rollover this year. Interactive and batch use will continue uninterrupted (except for "premium" jobs on Hopper; see below).


All batch jobs will continue running during the rollover. Time accrued before midnight will be charged to AY12 repos; time accrued after midnight will be charged to AY13 repos. Running batch jobs that are associated with non-continuing repositories will have the AY13 component of their usage charged to a NERSC AY13 overhead repository. Queued ("idle") jobs associated with non-continuing repositories will fail upon startup in AY13.

Premium Queue Disabled

The "premium" batch queue on Hopper will be stopped at 08:00, Wednesday, January 2, and will be restarted at 08:00, Tuesday, January 8.  During this time, no premium jobs will start, and jobs submitted to the premium queue will be rejected.

AY13 Allocation Awards

The AY13 allocation award letters were e-mailed to project PIs on December 14. The awards are listed on the allocation awards web page. On January 8, the new allocations of CPU time and mass storage will replace those from AY12. Unused allocations do not carry over into the new allocation year.

Web Refreshing

Users must logout and login again to NIM to get a correct view of AY13 settings. This only applies to NIM sessions that are active at 00:01 on January 8. Also, note that an account usage summary is displayed for users that have logged in to the main NERSC website. This information is acquired from NIM. Therefore, users must logout and login on the main NERSC website for this information to be correct.

New Repositories

When a new repository is created, its initial membership consists of the PI and any PI Proxies that were designated in the ERCAP proposal. It is then the responsibility of the PI and/or Proxies to add other users to the repository. Instructions for adding users to repositories can be found here.

Account Creation/Validation Moratorium

No user accounts will be created or validated after Wednesday, January 2 at noon until Tuesday, January 8 at 08:00. Any such changes made in NIM during this time will not take effect until after AY13 begins.

Discontinued Users

Effective January 8, a number of current (AY12) users will be considered "discontinued". This can happen for the following reasons:

  • A user belongs to only one AY12 project that is not being supported in AY13.
  • A user has been explicitly dropped from a repository by the Principal Investigator or Project Manager of that repository.

All discontinued MPP users will have limited login access to their authorized machines until February 8. Such users will be unable to submit batch jobs, but will be able to perform limited interactive tasks. The intent of this access is to allow discontinued users the ability to "clean up", e.g., transfer files back to their home institution.

All discontinued users will continue to have write access to HPSS until February 8, and then limited read-only and delete access for six months (until August 8, 2013). This will allow such users to transfer important data back to their home institution or to active NERSC users and to delete files that are no longer needed.

Deadline for AY12 Startup Requests

Startup awards are small allocations made throughout the allocation year. The deadline for AY12 startup awards is 17:00, Friday, December 21. Any startup requests submitted after this deadline will not be processed until after AY13 starts on January 8.