Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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§1308.20 Nutrition services.

Subpart A—General

1308.1 Purpose.
1308.2 Scope.
1308.3 Definitions.

Subpart B—Disabilities Service Plan

1308.4 Purpose and scope of disabilities service plan.

Subpart C—Social Services Performance Standards

1308.5 Recruitment and enrollment of children with disabilities.

Subpart D—Health Services Performance Standards

1308.6 Assessment of children.
1308.7 Eligibility criteria: Health impairment.
1308.8 Eligibility criteria: Emotional/behavioral disorders.
1308.9 Eligibility criteria: Speech or language impairments.
1308.10 Eligibility criteria: Mental retardation.
1308.11 Eligibility criteria: Hearing impairment including deafness.
1308.12 Eligibility criteria: Orthopedic impairment.
1308.13 Eligibility criteria: Visual impairment including blindness.
1308.14 Eligibility criteria: Learning disabilities.
1308.15 Eligibility criteria: Autism.
1308.16 Eligibility criteria: Traumatic brain injury.
1308.17 Eligibility criteria: Other impairments.
1308.18 Disabilities/health services coordination.

Subpart E—Education Services Performance Standards

1308.19 Developing individualized education programs (IEPs).

Subpart F—Nutrition Performance Standards

1308.20 Nutrition services.

Subpart G—Parent Involvement Performance Standards

1308.21 Parent participation and transition of children into Head Start and from Head Start to public school.


AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 9801 et seq.

SOURCE: 58 FR 5501, Jan. 21, 1993, unless otherwise noted.


§ 1308.20 Nutrition services.

(a) The disabilities coordinator must work with staff to ensure that provisions to meet special needs are incorporated into the nutrition program.

(b) Appropriate professionals, such as physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists or dietitians must be consulted on ways to assist Head Start staff and parents of children with severe disabilities with problems of chewing, swallowing and feeding themselves.

(c) The plan for services for children with disabilities must include activities to help children with disabilities participate in meal and snack times with classmates.

(d) The plan for services for children with disabilities must address prevention of disabilities with a nutrition basis.

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45 CFR 1301-1311. Head Start Program Performance Standards and Other Regulations. 2006. English.

This is a Historical Document.