Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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1306.1 Purpose and scope.


§ 1306.1 Purpose and scope.

This Part sets forth requirements for Early Head Start and Head Start program staffing and program options that all Early Head Start and Head Start grantee and delegate agencies, with the exception of Parent Child Center programs, must meet. The exception for Parent Child Centers is for fiscal years 1995, 1996, and 1997 as consistent with section 645A(e)(2) of the Head Start Act, as amended. These requirements, including those pertaining to staffing patterns, the choice of the program options to be implemented and the acceptable ranges in the implementation of those options, have been developed to help maintain and improve the quality of Early Head Start and Head Start and to help promote lasting benefits to the children and families being served. These requirements are to be used in conjunction with the Head Start Program Performance Standards at 45 CFR Part 1304, as applicable.

[61 FR 57226, Nov. 5, 1996]

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45 CFR 1301-1311. Head Start Program Performance Standards and Other Regulations. 2006. English.

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