Code Type:

  • NC = No Credit
  • EL = Elective
  • G = Grad. Requirement
  • GC = Computer
  • GD = Second Language
  • GE = Social Studies
  • GF = Fine Arts
  • GG = US Government
  • GH = Health
  • GL = Language Arts
  • GM = Mathematics
  • GP = Pysical Education
  • GS = Science
  • GU = US History
  • GV = Careers
  • MS = Middle School
  • SE = Special Education
  • AP = Advanced Placement

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PTI306: Spreadsheet Software App (2012-2013)

CURRICULUM PROGRAM: Career and Technical Education
COURSE TITLE: Spreadsheet Software Applications
CALENDAR YEAR: 2012-2013
COURSE LENGTH: 18-36 weeks

About the Program:
Spreadsheet Software Applications prepares students for careers in business. The course sequence focuses on advanced duties and tasks performed by professionals using spreadsheet software as well as pre-employment and employment skills.

Major Concepts/Content: Spreadsheet Software Applications provides students with the opportunity to develop professional level skills in spreadsheet software. Curriculum will include instruction in creating data and content, analyzing data, formatting data and content, collaborating and managing workbooks.

Major Instructional Activities: Instruction will be provided in a lab utilizing individualized instruction and electronic learning services. Students successfully completing this course will be eligible to take an exam for spreadsheet software certification.

Major Evaluative Techniques: Assessment will be accomplished by checking student work in progress to ensure that each student adheres to the timelines throughout the course and that the assignments are successfully completed. In addition, objective and problem-solving tests, projects and other means deemed appropriate by the facilitator will be used.

PTI306 Spreadsheet Software Apps Course Description
PTI306 Spreadsheet Software Apps Student Competency Record

Essential Software: The focus of this course will be the use of Microsoft Excel to produce a variety of spreadsheets, charts and graphs.

This course can be used to partially satisfy the requirements for an endorsement in the following pathways.

Cluster | Pathway | Required/Recommended/Related
Business, Management and Administration | Administration & Information Support | Required
Business, Management and Administration | Administration & Information Support | Recommended
Business, Management and Administration | Business Financial Management and Accounting | Recommended
Business, Management and Administration | Management | Recommended