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U.S. History Topics » States & Regions » Pennsylvania

offers stories from Pennsylvania's history, information about the state's regions, and more than 60 lesson plans. (Many are keyed to the state's 1,800 historical markers.) Learn about William Penn, religious communities, the French and Indian War, the Revolution, the Philadelphia Campaign, agriculture, crossing the Alleghenies, the Underground Railroad, the politics of the Civil War, Gettysburg, railroads, mining, striking oil, baseball, the arts, and jazz. (Multiple Agencies)

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Interesting Fact:

Every one of the original thirteen colonies, including Pennsylvania, allowed slavery to exist within its borders. Unlike most of the other colonies, however, Pennsylvania contained a vocal antislavery movement, almost from the beginning of the colony's founding.
Painting by Robert Edge Pine and Edward Savage, during its restoration of Independence Hall Chamber. Credit: Courtesy of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collection, Atwater Kent Museum of Phila

Voting on the Declaration of Independence

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