Concerts From the Library of Congress 2012-2013 Season Preview Podcast, “American Voices”

Join Anne McLean, Loras Schissel and Nicholas Brown of the Music Division as they discuss some of the highlights from the 2012-2013 concert season. They are joined by Chloe Veltman, a junior fellow at the Library of Congress and host of VoiceBox, a weekly public radio and podcast series.

Audio used by permission of:

COPLAND “Appalachian Spring” – World Premiere Performance, Library of Congress

ADAMS “Son of Chamber Symphony” – International Contemporary Ensemble/Hendon Music/Boosey & Hawkes

TRADITIONAL “Lay Me Low” – Joel Frederiksen/Harmonia Mundi

HERBERT “Petite Valse” – William Hicks, piano and Jerry Grossman, cello

GUTHRIE “The Gypsy Davy” – American Folklife Center, Library of Congress


  1. Elizabeth Stanford
    September 7, 2012 at 11:32 am

    Your podcast would seem to be very interesting. Unfortunately, it is not playable on an iPad. Is there an audio-only version?

  2. Pat Padua
    September 12, 2012 at 10:31 am

    The podcast is now available for free on iTunes U:

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