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Competitive Grant To Establish a Center for Behavioral Economics and Child Nutrition Research: Request for Applications

by Economic Research Service

Administrative Publication No. (AP-046) 21 pp, March 2010

The Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) of USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS), in collaboration with the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), invites proposals for a competitive grant to establish and fund a center for behavioral economics and child nutrition research. The center will (1) facilitate new and innovative research on the application of behavioral economics theory to child nutrition program operations and activities, leading to program improvements that will benefit children’s diets and health; (2) broaden the network of social scientists who participate in research that applies principles and theories of behavioral economics to the improvement of nutrition, food security, and health outcomes associated with participation in USDA’s child nutrition programs; and (3) disseminate information obtained via its research program to a diverse stakeholder audience, including other researchers, policy and program officials, and the general public. Subject to the availability of funds, the center will receive an initial grant of up to $1 million which will be expected to support activities over a 3-year period. This publication describes Center responsibilities and application requirements. The deadline for submission of applications is May 19, 2010.

Keywords: Food assistance programs, behavioral economics, healthy eating, child nutrition programs, obesity

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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