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Scientists & Staff

David Nowak

Title: Project Leader / Research Forester
Unit: Urban Forests, Human Health, and Environmental Quality
Address: Northern Research Station
c/o SUNY ESF, 5 Moon Library
Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315-448-3212
E-mail: Contact David Nowak

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  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
  • MS and BS SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Air and Waste Management Association, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Society of Arboriculture, Society of American Foresters

Current Research

The goal of my research program is to investigate what makes up the vegetation in cities and town and what environmental or ecosystem services this vegetation provides to local and regional populations. The research initiates field studies and develops computer models to assess the urban forest structure, functions, and values for urban areas across the globe. One of the research goals is to integrate urban forest ecosystem services (e.g., air quality improvement) within various environmental regulations (e.g., Clean Air Act). Tools are also being developed to aid in management and planning decisions to sustain urban forest health and services. Long-term monitoring programs are investigating how and why urban forest change through time so better management plans can be developed to sustain this important resource. Specific research projects include:

  • Assessments of changes in urbanization and urban forest structure and functions nationally
  • Local assessments of urban forest structure and functions: air pollution removal; carbon storage and sequestration; biogenic emissions; building of energy conservation; water flows and water quality
  • Effects of urban forests on air and water quality
  • Long-term monitoring of urban vegetation locally and nationally (proposed Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis Program)
  • Development of UFORE model?computer model to assess urban forest structure, function, and value
  • Functional species selection program

Future Research

Future research will continue to focus on urban forest change, structure, functions, and modeling of ecosystem services.

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Last Modified: 02/15/2012