News Archive

What's New: October 2011

Crown of thorns starfish devouring coral at Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, Samoa

NOAA Study Finds Over 50 Important Areas of Coral and Fish in Samoan Archipelago

A team of NOAA scientists have issued the first broad-scale biogeographic report to assess the Samoan Archipelago. They identified 51 regional areas of high coral and fish abundance. In addition, scientists found that less than 10 percent of coral reef ecosystems are located in marine protected areas. More...

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Condition Report Released

Within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, water quality has improved and the size and abundance of some fish species and spiny lobster in large sanctuary reserves are on the rise. However, coastal development, vessel groundings, marine debris, climate change, and poaching continue to threaten the more than 2,900 square nautical miles of marine habitat that the sanctuary protects. More...

Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary Draft Management Plan Released

Nestled within an eroded volcanic crater on the southern coast of Tutuila, American Samoa, you'll find Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary. A recently released management plan proposes expanding this smallest and most remote of the 14 marine protected areas in the national marine sanctuary system, providing protection for some of the oldest and largest known corals in the world. More...

View of the new Holland, Michigan water level and meteorological station, located at the entrance to Macatawa Bay

Great Lakes Water Level Stations Get an Upgrade

A new water level station in Holland, Michigan brings closer the goal of modernizing aging equipment in the Great Lakes region. Since 2005, the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) has worked with their regional partners to complete a series of infrastructure upgrades to eight water level stations in the Great Lakes region of the United States. More...

Screen shot of mobile website on smartphone

New Mobile Application Provides Critical Imagery for Emergency Responders

NOAA's National Geodetic Survey recently released a prototype mobile web application that makes it possible for emergency responders to access emergency response imagery while in the field. More...
