News Archive

What's New: January 2013

Challenger glider with Zdenka Willis

Challenger Mission Aimed at Sending First Underwater Glider Round the World

Scientists from Rutgers University, a Mid-Atlantic partner of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®), recently launched a second test mission, called “Challenger,” aimed at sending the first unmanned, underwater robotic vehicle—known as a “glider”—around the world. More...

NOAA Heritage Week Image

NOAA Heritage Week and Open House

Want to learn more about NOAA, its rich history, and how it takes the pulse of our planet every day? February 4-9 marks the ninth annual NOAA Heritage Week, during which NOAA will provide opportunities to explore the ways NOAA protects and manages our ocean and coastal resources. More...

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A New Research Points to Better Method to Weigh Risk of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria

A recent study demonstrates a new approach that may allow scientists to better approximate the risks for bacteria to develop resistance to different families of antibiotics. More...

NOAA nautical chart for Bayou Goula, LA

NOAA Chart Reveals Underwater Hazard for Proposed Anchorage Area

Cartographers from NOAA's Office of Coast Survey recently flagged a potentially dangerous situation during their review of a proposed federal rule establishing new anchorage areas on the Mississippi River. More...

image of USS Monitor Memorial plaque dedication

New Memorial Dedicated to USS Monitor Crew

On December 29, NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, the U.S. Navy, and the Department of Veterans Affairs dedicated a memorial to commemorate the Civil War ironclad, USS Monitor, and its crew. The USS Monitor memorial, located in Hampton National Cemetery in Hampton, Va., honors the iconic vessel that sank in a New Year's Eve storm 150 years ago, carrying 16 crew members to their deaths. More...
