This figure describes the process used to generate the QCECOR VAP. Click to enlarge.
This figure describes the process used to generate the QCECOR VAP. Click to enlarge.
Eddy correlation flux measurement systems (ECOR) are used by ARM to provide surface turbulence flux measurements. The Quality Controlled Eddy Correlation Flux (QCECOR) value-added product (VAP) improves the ECOR data by applying the following quality control (QC) procedures:

  1. Eddy correlation corrections
  2. Determination of the quality-controlled energy fluxes from the corrected ECOR fluxes
  3. Stringent QC checks.

The QCECOR evaluation product contains two variables: surface latent and sensible heat fluxes, together with their QC flags. This product is on a temporal resolution of 30 minutes and is stored in a common netCDF datastream.

Presently, QCECOR data are available at the following locations and time periods:

  • SGP extended facilities E1, E3, E5, E6, E10, E14, E16, E21, and E24 (September 2003–September 2010)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) Point Reyes, California, deployment (2005)
  • AMF Niamey, Niger, deployment (2006)
  • AMF Black Forest, Germany, deployment (2007)
  • AMF Shouxian, China, deployment (2008)
  • AMF Graciosa Island, Azores, deployment (2009–2010)

More information on QCECOR is available at the VAP web page. Currently, QCECOR is in an evaluation period, and any comments or suggestions are welcome. Please send your feedback to Shaocheng Xie, To access these data, log in to the Data Archive. (Go here to request an account.)