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International Visitor Program

OUR SERVICES: Program Design

Inviting international visitors to participate in special programs requires advanced planning. We hope we can help ease the planning process by offering you important information about the multiple items you need to consider when inviting and hosting international visitors.

Above all, it is important to allow sufficient time for the visa application process. As the application process can take as long as 3-4 months, much of the preparation might begin as early as 3-6 months prior to the program or event. We encourage future hosts of international visitors to contact International Programs to discuss proposed programs as early as possible.

Program Design
J-1 Visas
Health Insurance
Airline Tickets
Maintenance Allowance - Reimbursements
Exchange Visitor Program Orientations
Required J-1 Program Monitoring and Reporting

International Programs can assist with understanding visa classifications and what might be most appropriate given the profile of the prospective visitor, proposed program activities and sources of funds. We can also share information about official invitations, visa application processes and required supporting documents.

To initiate your planning process, please review the sections on Visas, Who Can Participate and our Services. Visas, reimbursements, insurance, and travel. You can also explore the How to Apply and Forms sections on this website where you will find some helpful planning tools. Among them are:

We look forward to hearing from you and offering our assistance.

Next Service: J-1 Visas

If you have any questions, please contact:
Brenda Dean, International Visitor Program Coordinator
Tel: (202) 219-9774
Fax: (202) 208-0873

Rima Eid, Alternate Responsible Officer
Tel: (202) 208-3785
Fax: (202) 273-6570


Kelli Young, Insurance Coordinator
Tel: (202) 273-4701
Fax: (202) 273-4750


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