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Headquarters Marine Corps

Experimental Forward Operating Base to host industry demonstration at Camp Lejeune

By Courtesy | Headquarters Marine Corps | May 04, 2012

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ARLINGTON, Va. -- The Marine Corps’ Experimental Forward Operating Base process is designed to identify and evaluate commercial technologies that can increase the self-sufficiency of expeditionary forces. ExFOB will host invited vendors to demonstrate their technologies at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, April 30-May 4.

This demonstration will evaluate wearable electric power conversion and distribution systems and man-portable water purification systems for individuals and small units in expeditionary environments. There will be 19 technical demonstrations by 14 commercial vendors. 

“We know that resource efficiency aids in combat effectiveness, and that our investments in reset and modernization will provide a force that operates lighter, faster and at reduced risk. Likewise, our force will be more energy efficient to support the type of operations expected of us in the future. To do this, we are changing the way we think about and use energy,” said Gen. James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Providing industry with opportunities to demonstrate new capabilities, ExFOB has quickly moved commercial technologies from concept to combat. Previously demonstrated solutions like the Solar Portable Alternative Communications Energy System are fully fielded in Afghanistan today. 

Created in 2009, ExFOB brings together stakeholders from across the Marine Corps' requirements, acquisitions, and technology development communities in a dynamic process to quickly deploy technologies to reduce our need for "liquid logistics" today and to establish requirements for tomorrow.

ExFOB was developed by the commanding general of Marine Corps Combat Development Command and is led by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab in collaboration with the Marine Expeditionary Energy Office, Marine Corps Systems Command, and the Office of Naval Research. 
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