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Region 8

Enforcement and Compliance

The Region 8 Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice (ECEJ) enforces federal environmental law in a variety of ways, including strategic planning and targeting, setting enforcement priorities, developing compliance monitoring programs, undertaking inspection activities, and pursuing appropriate enforcement actions. We work with states and tribes to define oversight roles and promote effective enforcement strategies and engage in various compliance assistance and incentive activities.

What's New in Enforcement

March 26, 2012 – Poplar, Montana Safe Drinking Water Order
In response to detections of low levels of oil production contaminants in the water supply that serves Poplar, Montana, and the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, EPA has issued an order to Murphy Exploration & Production Co., Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc., and Samson Hydrocarbons Co. While treated water from the city’s system is currently safe to drink, EPA expects the quality of the groundwater used by the system’s wells to degrade over time.  Under the order, the companies have agreed to monthly monitoring and a contingency plan to provide an alternate water source if water quality degrades to a degree posing a public health concern.

Previous EPA Safe Drinking Water Act orders in the Poplar, Montana area:

2011 Annual Results - a summary of the environmental outcomes that Region 8 enforcement activities achieve.

To review administrative enforcement actions taken by Region 8, visit the EPA Administrative Enforcement Dockets database.


Environmental Justice
We ensure that all segments of the population are provided equal protection under environmental laws and programs, regardless of race, national origin, or income.

Compliance Assistance

About Region 8

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