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Teaching Stewardship and Sustainability...

Many Environmental Education programs and materials do a wonderful job of teaching about a specific aspect of the environment or about local issues. The future of Environmental Education also lies within teaching everyone the concepts of Stewardship and Sustainability. Teaching these concepts involves teaching the big picture.

By the big picture we mean:

-a sense of responsibility for the natural world.

-a connection to the natural world.

-an understanding of both natural and human systems and how they are interdependent.

-an understanding of how to make better decisions incorporating all aspects of the environment, society and economy.

-an understanding that sustainable living does not mean sacrificing what we need, just making conscious decisions about what we do.

This website can compliment existing Environmental Education programs and materials by providing access to big picture resources. These resources can act as an addition to existing Environmental Education resources or stand alone as a tool for teachers and parents to introduce kids and other adults to the concepts of stewardship and sustainability.

What are these concepts exactly?

Stewardship: is the responsibility for environmental quality shared by all those whose actions affect the environment.

Sustainability: is an attempt to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future.

Image of Hands Holding the Earth-Fingers represent: government, nonprofits, business, home ,school and work. Earth has bubbles indicating different aspects of environmental protection; water, green building, habitats, zero waste, air and energy..in the center is Stewardship and Sustainability.

Individuals, businesses, schools and local governments all play a vital role in creating a sustainable society.

What can parents and teachers do? Educate our children and our peers to create a society with a strong sense of stewardship and sustainability.

Teaching future generations about Sustainability and Stewardship is easy. Check out the resources below to start today...

Education for Sustainability Listserv for K-12 Educators Launched!
The k-12 and Teacher Education sector of the U.S. Partnership of Education for Sustainable Development has launched the first national listserv for k-12 educators focused specifically on the topic of education for sustainability. Educators involved in teaching students in any subject in the k-12 arena are encouraged to join. The goal of the Sustaink12 listserv is for educators to communicate and collaborate on strategies to integrate education for sustainability into the teaching and operations of U.S. K-12 schools. There are two ways to join the listserv:

1) Go to https://listserver.itd.umich.edu/cgi-bin/lyris.pl?enter=sustaink12 and join; or
2) Send an email message to "sustaink12-request@umich.edu" with the word "subscribe" in the Subject line of your message.

For more information on Education for Sustainability and the k-12 and Teacher Education sector of the U.S. Partnership, please visit http://www.uspartnership.org/

Many of the sites listed on this page are not on the EPA Web site. Exit EPA disclaimer

Sustainability Factsheet for Adults and Kids

Sustainability Slide Presentations

Sustainability slides you can use in your presentations: by David Schaller, Region 8, US EPA (PDF, 2585 KB, 62 Slides, About PDF files)

Sustainability Presentation for High School Teachers: by Dan Chiras (PDF, 7829 KB, 44 Slides, About PDF files)
Slide Captions (PDF, 17 KB, 1 PP)

(these are large files...it may be easier to right click on the file and save to your computer)

My Sustainable House On-line Game (UK) http://www.mysusthouse.org/
Students and Sustainability http://www.epa.gov/greenkit/student.htm
Civil Society and Sustainable Communities Curriculum
Interdependence: A Concept Approach to Environmental Education
Your Sustainable Community: a Role Play
Exercises to reorient education to address sustainability
Welcome to Graduation Pledge Alliance
Your Ecological Footprint
Sustainability Education Guide
Front Cover Image of Places we Live Curriculum
All communities – urban, suburban, small town, rural – are experiencing growth and change, which has an impact on each community's environment.

PLT's new module, The Places We Live, provides educators with a useful tool for place-based education to help create a bond between young citizens and their communities. Students will explore current and future community environmental issues, enabling them to make informed decisions about those issues.

For more information contact Project Learning Tree

Green Hour Logo
The National Wildlife Federation recommends that parents give their kids a "Green Hour" every day, a time for unstructured play and interaction with the natural world. This can take place in a garden, a backyard, the park down the street, or any place that provides safe and accessible green spaces where children can learn and play.
The Children & Nature Network (C&NN) was created to encourage and support the people and organizations working to reconnect children with nature. The network will provide a critical link between researchers and individuals, educators and organizations dedicated to children’s health and well-being. C&NN will also promote fundamental institutional change and provide resources for sharing information, strategic initiatives and success stories.

New Zealand Education for Sustainability
On these pages, teachers, advisers, and other educators will find curriculum-based learning materials and links to other resources intended to encourage understandings of the environment and the importance of effective environmental decision-making around sustainability issues.


Sustainability Institute-We focus on understanding the root causes of unsustainable behavior in complex systems to help restructure systems and shift mindsets that will help move human society toward sustainability. http://www.sustainabilityinstitute.org/


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