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USAID Regions and Countries

Through its economic assistance programs, USAID plays an active and critical role in the promotion of U.S. foreign policy interests. The investment this agency makes in developing countries has long-term benefits for America and the American people. Development now takes its place alongside defense and diplomacy as the three essential components of American foreign policy.


The following is a clickable map of the world, displaying all the countries in which USAID provides assistance. Countries with USAID missions are highlighted in dark blue, and countries served by regional missions are highlighted in light blue. For a text version of this map, please refer to the USAID Mission Directory or the regional sites listed below.

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We provide assistance in five regions of the world:

Sub-Saharan Africa

Today, promise, potential and opportunity exist in Africa. The hope for the future is based on current experiences in many countries on the African continent. This is good news for the United States. A more prosperous, healthy and stable Africa is in America’s best interest, and contributes to U.S. efforts to foster world-wide economic growth and increased trade, and to combat transnational security threats.

Read more about USAID's work in Sub-Saharan Africa


USAID operates in 21 countries in Asia, from Kazakhstan in the west and north to Indonesia in the east and south. In recent years, this vast and diverse region has experienced vibrant economic growth and significant advances in poverty reduction. Today, many countries in Asia are well on their way to becoming developed economies; others, meanwhile, struggle to provide basic services and opportunities to their citizens.

Read more about USAID's work in Asia

Afghanistan / Pakistan

Afghanistan and Pakistan, USAID's two largest assistance programs, reflect the United States' commitment to the region's long term stability and human progress. USAID's Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs brings together vast technical support, analysis and resources to enhance reconstruction and development.

Read more about USAID's work in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Europe and Eurasia

The United States seeks cooperative relations with Europe and Eurasia (E&E) countries in fighting international terrorism, opening markets, and tackling cross-border issues such as the spread of HIV/AIDS and trafficking in persons. Regional stability in Southeast Europe and the Eurasia sub-regions remain one of the underlying principles of USAID engagement in this part of the world.

Read more about USAID's work in Europe and Eurasia

Latin America and the Caribbean

Over the past several years, the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, encompassing Central and South America and the Caribbean, has faced increasing development challenges that threaten the national security and economy of the United States. Contracting economic growth rates, extensive poverty, unemployment, skewed income distribution, crime and lawlessness, a thriving narcotics industry and a deteriorating natural resource base continue to undermine the stability of the region.

Read more about USAID's work in Latin America and the Caribbean

Middle East

USAID operates seven country programs and a regional program in the Middle East and North Africa. This region faces many challenges, including terrorism, instability, weak governance, high unemployment and poor education systems. USAID’s Middle East Bureau was created in March 2008 from the former Asia and Near East Bureau.

Read more about USAID's work in the Middle East

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