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Glenn Schaible

Agricultural Economist

Glenn Schaible is an Agricultural Economist in the Production Economics and Technology Branch, Resource and Rural Economics Division with research specialties in water resource economics, producer conservation technology, and management practice decisions.

Since joining ERS in 1985, Glenn's research program has focused on the economics of water conservation policy, irrigated agriculture, factors influencing producer irrigation technology and water management decisions, and behavioral differences in conservation practice adoption between conservation program participants and non-participants.

Glenn served two terms as Chairman of the Regional Research Committee on Western Water (W190 and W1190). He completed a special assignment to USDA's Farm Service Agency (6/5/95 to 2/29/97) as principal advisor on economic analyses for two Endangered Species Act Biological Evaluations for USDA's Edwards Aquifer Project, as well as providing pretrial, written, and direct trial testimony in the associated legal suit Sierra Club vs. USDA in U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas.

Glenn has also served as Project Leader in revising/updating USDA's Farm & Ranch Irrigation Survey, as well as the irrigation sections of ERS's primary data survey, the Agricultural Resource Management Survey. Working jointly with an ERS Team, Glenn summarized economic research addressing western water-policy issues for the Presidential Commission: Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission in 1997.

Glenn also helped develop and managed two ERS-sponsored (but RMA-funded) two-year cooperative agreements (with UNL and CSU) evaluating the risks and economic impacts of Federal decisions restricting water supplies to irrigated agriculture. Recent research with ERS colleagues has also included examining the economics of invasive species management issues.

Research Technologist. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, August, 1979 to April, 1985. (Full-time staff research position while completing Ph.D. program.)

Socioeconomic Resource Coordinator/Analyst. North Dakota Legislative Council, Regional Environmental Assessment Program, Bismarck, ND, June 1977 to June 1979.

Research Associate/Analyst. Economics Department, University of North Dakota and the North Dakota State Tax Department, May 1976 to June 1977. Graduate Teaching Assistant. Economics Department, University of North Dakota, August 1973 to May 1976.

Glenn received a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Economics from the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Professional Affiliations:
Glenn is a member of the American Agricultural Economics Association, the Western Agricultural Economics Association, and the Southern and Northeast Agricultural Economics Associations.

Selected Publications:

Selected Journal Papers

C. S. Kim, Donna Lee, Glenn Schaible, and Utpal Vasavada. "Multiregional Invasive Species Management: Theory and an Application to Florida's Exotic Plants." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Special Issue (2007): 109-122.

D. Lambert, G. D. Schaible, R. Johansson, and U. Vasavada. "The Value of Integrated CEAP-ARMS Survey Data in Conservation Program Analysis." Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January 2007): 1-10.

C. S. Kim, G. Schluter, G. Schaible, A. Mishra, and C Hallahan. "A Decomposed Negative Binomial Model of Structural Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Application to U.S. Agriculture," Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 53 (2005): 161-176.

Glenn D. Schaible. "Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States." Amber Waves, Vol. 2, Issue 3 (June 2004): p. 8.

Glenn D. Schaible, and Marcel P. Aillery. "Irrigation Technology Transitions in the Mid-Plains States: Implications for Water Conservation/Water Quality Goals and Institutional Changes," International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2003): 67-88.

Glenn D. Schaible. "Economic and Conservation Tradeoffs of Regulatory vs. Incentive-based Water Policy in the Pacific Northwest." International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2000): 221-238.

C. S. Kim, and Glenn D. Schaible. "Economic Benefits Resulting from Irrigation Water Use: Theory and an Application to Groundwater Use," Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 17 (2000): 73-87.

C. S. Kim, Glenn D. Schaible, and Stan G. Daberkow. "An Efficient Cost-Sharing Program to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution: Theory and an Application to Groundwater Contamination," Environmental Geology, Vol. 39, No. 6 (April 2000): 649-659.

Glenn D. Schaible, Bruce A. McCarl, and Ronald D. Lacewell. "The Edwards Aquifer Water Resource Conflict: USDA Farm Program Resource-Use Incentives?" Water Resources Research, Vol. 35 No. 10 (October 1999): 3171-3183.

Marcel Aillery, Michael Moore, Marca Weinberg, Glenn Schaible, and Noel Gollehon. "Salmon Recovery in the Columbia River Basin: Analysis of Measures Affecting Agriculture," Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring 1999): 15-40. [Economic analysis of mitigation strategies was provided by Glenn D. Schaible using the model presented in Schaible, AJAE, 1997.]

Glenn D. Schaible. "Water Conservation Policy Analysis: An Interregional, Multi-Output, Primal-Dual Optimization Approach," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 79 (February 1997): 163-177.

Glenn D. Schaible, C. S. Kim, and Norman K. Whittlesey. "Water Conservation Potential from Irrigation Technology Transitions in the Pacific Northwest." Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 16 (December 1991): 194-206.

C. S. Kim, Glenn D. Schaible and Eduardo Segarra. "The Deterministic Equivalents of Chance-Constrained Programming," J. Agricultural Economic Research, Vol. 42, No. 2 (Spring 1990): 30-38.

Mark O. Ribaudo, S. Piper, G. Schaible, L. Langner, and D. Collacicco. "CRP: What Economic Benefits?" Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, Vol. 44 (September-October 1989): 421-24.

C. S. Kim, and Glenn D. Schaible. "Estimation of Transition Probabilities Using Median Absolute Deviations," Journal of Agricultural Economics Research, Vol. 40 (Fall 1988): 12-19.

Raymond J. Supalla, F. Charles Lamphear and Glenn D. Schaible. "Economic Implications of Diminishing Groundwater Supplies in the High Plains Region," Regional Science Perspectives, Vol. 16, (1986): 86-99.

Raymond J. Supalla, Glenn D. Schaible, J. A. Larson, A. Leholm, Duane Jewell, and F. C. Lamphear. "Evaluation of Water Management Alternatives: The Nebraska High Plains Study," Southwestern Review of Management and Economics, Vol. 2 (Spring 1982): 65-86.

Mark S. Henry, Arlen Leholm, Glenn D. Schaible and James Haskins. "A Semi-Survey Approach to Building Regional Input-Output Models: An Application to Western North Dakota," North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 2 (January 1980):17-24.

Book Chapter

Noel R. Gollehon, Michael R. Moore, Marcel P. Aillery, Mark S. Kramer, and Glenn D. Schaible. "Modeling Western Irrigated Agriculture and Water Policy: Climate Change Considerations" in Global Change: Economic Issues in Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources, J. Reilly and M. Anderson, eds. Boulder, CO: Westview Press (1992): 148-67.

Published Reports/Technical Bulletins

Glenn D. Schaible, and Marcel P. Aillery. "Irrigation Water Management". Chapter 4.6 in Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2006 Edition, EIB-16, Economic Research Service, USDA.

U.S. Department of Agriculture [Glenn D. Schaible, Contributing Author (among many)]. Biological Evaluation of USDA Conservation and Commodity Programs under the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996: On the Edwards Aquifer Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Species. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, April 1997.

U.S. Department of Agriculture [Glenn D. Schaible, Contributing Author (among many)]. Biological Evaluation of USDA Farmer Assistance and Rural Development Programs: Implemented in Bexar, Medina, and Uvalde Counties, Texas, on Edwards Aquifer Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Species. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, Revised March 1996.

Ronald D. Lacewell and Glenn D. Schaible. "Implications of the 1996 Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act on Agricultural Irrigation from the Edwards Aquifer," in Biological Evaluation of USDA Conservation and Commodity Programs under the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 on the Edwards Aquifer Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Species. U.S. Department of Agriculture, April 1997.

Glenn D. Schaible. "Summary/Interpretation: Three County Irrigation Survey of Irrigators in the Edwards Aquifer Area," in Biological Evaluation of USDA Farmer Assistance and Rural Development Programs Implemented In Bexar, Medina, and Uvalde Counties, Texas on Edwards Aquifer Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Species. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Revised March 1996.

Glenn D. Schaible, Noel R. Gollehon, Mark S. Kramer, Marcel P. Aillery, and Michael R. Moore. Economic Analysis of Selected Water Policy Options for the Pacific Northwest. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 720, Economic Research Service, USDA, June, 1995.

Marcel P. Aillery, Paul Bertels, Joseph C. Cooper, Michael R. Moore, Steve J. Vogel, and Marca Weinberg (Contributors: Glenn D. Schaible and Noel R. Gollehon). Salmon Recovery in the Pacific Northwest: Agricultural and Other Economic Effects. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 727, Economic Research Service, USDA, February 1996. [Economic analysis of mitigation strategies for this research was provided by Glenn D. Schaible using the model presented in Schaible, AJAE, 1997.]

Aillery, M. P., P. Bertels, J. C. Cooper, M. R. Moore, S. J. Vogel, and M. Weinberg (Contributors: Glenn D. Schaible and Noel R. Gollehon). Salmon Recovery in the Pacific Northwest: A Summary of Agricultural and Other Economic Effects. Agricultural Information Bulletin, No. 699, Economic Research Service, USDA, June 1994.

Schaible, Glenn D. "Groundwater Savings" in The Conservation Reserve Program: An Economic Assessment. C. Edwin Young and C. Tim Osborn, eds. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 626, Economic Research Service, USDA, February 1990.

Marc O. Ribaudo, Dan Colacicco, Linda Langer, Steven Piper and Glenn Schaible. Natural Resources and Users Benefit from the Conservation Reserve Program. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 627, Economic Research Service, USDA, January 1990.

Glenn D. Schaible. Irrigated Acreage in the Conservation Reserve Program. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 610, Economic Research Service, USDA, July 1989.

Glenn D. Schaible (Co-Author, One of Many). Summary of the Nebraska Research for the Six-State High Plains Ogallala Aquifer Study. Natural Resources Commission, Lincoln, NE, December 1981.

Selected Website Products

Glenn D. Schaible (Project Leader), Dayton Lambert, Stela Stefanova, and David Banker. Ceap-Arms Data Product, an internal ERS agency-wide research usable set of integrated Phase2, NRI, and Phase 3 data files for the 2004 Ceap-Arms (for wheat) data and the 2005 Ceap-Arms (for corn) data, with extensive data documentation for both Ceap-Arms years.

Glenn D. Schaible (Editor). Agricultural Risks in a Water-Short World: Producer Adaptation and Policy Directions. A Workshop Summary for an Economic Research Service/Farm Foundation workshop, May 24-25, 2004, Economic Research Service, USDA, Washington, DC.

Glenn D. Schaible, C. S. Kim, and C. Sandretto. Western Irrigated Agriculture: Characteristics by Farm-Size Class. An ERS Data Product (February 2004) summarizing the farm-structural characteristics for irrigated farms in the 17 Western States based on USDA's 1998 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey. [The 147 electronic data tables are grouped into 16 aggregate categories, ranging from total irrigation values (for all irrigated farms) to water-conserving, higher efficiency irrigation to conservation cost-share program participation. Each aggregate category includes from 1-18 Excel and HTML tables identifying more specific irrigation characteristics by farm size by State.]

Glenn D. Schaible, C. S. Kim, and Stan G. Daberkow. Cost-Sharing of Improved Irrigation Technologies to Reduce Nonpoint-Source Pollution. An Electronic Note on the World Bank website for the WRM Group on Economic Incentives, June 11, 2003.

External Publications

NASS/ERS ARMS/FRIS Integration Team [Glenn Schaible and Noel Gollehon (ERS), and Howard Hill and Roland Alberts (NASS)]. 2003 Farm & Ranch Irrigation Survey, NASS, USDA (November 15, 2003). [The survey, published by NASS-USDA, was mailed to producers on 1/12/04.]

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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