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The Department of Energy's Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program will hold its Science Team Meeting on March 18 – 21, 2013, at the Bolger Center in Potomac, MD. This event will follow a somewhat different format this year. Monday and Tuesday will feature plenary programmatic and Principal Investigator presentations in the mornings, breakout sessions for field campaign planning and special focus meetings in early afternoons, and poster sessions later in both afternoons to review research results. Wednesday and Thursday will be dedicated to working group sessions to address priority science issues for each group and follow up on planning efforts hindered by Hurricane Sandy in the fall working group sessions. Please check the agenda section in mid to late January for more complete details.

This meeting will bring together nearly 350 ASR researchers, ARM Climate Research Facility infrastructure members, and selected leading scientists to review progress and plan future directions of ASR research. We welcome your participation as it enables us to establish the ASR Program as a world leader in climate change research.


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