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NE Blog Archive

February 11, 2013
The Office of Nuclear Energy's mission is to advance nuclear power as a resource that can meet the United State's energy, environmental and national security needs.
Office of Nuclear Energy Launches New Website

A new website for NE means easier access to information and more up-to-date news for users. Check it out!

August 15, 2012
Simulated three-dimensional fission power distribution of a single 17x17 rod PWR fuel assembly. | Photo courtesy of the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL).
Five Years of Building the Next Generation of Reactors

A two-year update on the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors and the progress being made in overcoming barriers to national energy goals.

August 6, 2012
One of the first images taken by NASA's Curiosity rover was taken on the left-rear side of the rover looking directly into the sun. | Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Powering Curiosity: Lab Tech Goes to Mars

Today marks the beginning of Curiosity's two-year mission on the Martian surface to determine whether our neighboring Red Planet supports life now or has in the past.

July 18, 2012
Lab Breakthrough: X-ray Laser Captures Atoms and Molecules in Action

Fifty years ago, this collider gave science its first evidence of quarks. Today, it's revealing the conditions of massive stars and how sunlight splits water into oxygen.

June 1, 2012
Navy personnel stationed in Idaho Falls, Idaho, in the mid 1950s learn how to operate the Nautilus S1W, the prototype of the Navy's first nuclear-powered submarine. | Photo courtesy of Idaho National Laboratory
Veteran Leadership Strong at Idaho’s Laboratory

Idaho National Lab has played a large role in building fission reactors for Navy vessels - and then training those military personnel on how to use the equipment.

February 15, 2012
Secretary Chu traveled to Waynesboro, Georgia, to visit the Vogtle nuclear power plant, the site of what will be the first new nuclear reactors to be built in the United States in three decades. | Image credit: Southern Company.
Secretary Chu Visits Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant

Secretary Chu traveled to Waynesboro, Georgia, to visit the Vogtle nuclear power plant, the site of what will be the first new nuclear reactors to be built in the United States in three decades. During remarks to more than 500 workers, Secretary Chu highlighted the steps the Obama Administration is taking to restart America’s nuclear industry as part of an all-of-the-above American energy strategy.

February 14, 2012
What Would the President's Proposed 2013 Budget Mean to the Energy Department?

Secretary Chu details President Barack Obama's $27.2 billion fiscal year 2013 budget request for the Department of Energy.

January 25, 2012
First Step to Spur U.S. Manufacturing of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

The Energy Department recently announced the first step toward manufacturing small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) in the United States, demonstrating the Administration’s commitment to advancing U.S. manufacturing leadership in low-carbon, next generation energy technologies and restarting the nation’s nuclear industry.  

November 28, 2011
Nuclear Systems Powering a Mission to Mars

This past weekend, the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity launched from Cape Canaveral with the most advanced payload of scientific gear ever used on the red planet -- made possible by nuclear space power systems developed by the Energy Department.

September 28, 2011
Advancing our Nuclear Collaboration with the Czech Republic

This week, I joined with the Řež Nuclear Research Institute, the U.S. Embassy in Prague, Texas A&M and the Czech Nuclear Education Network in Prague, Czech Republic, to announce a series of bilateral nuclear research and development programs that will help to advance safe and secure nuclear energy technologies in both countries.