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Computational Sciences & Mathematics Division
Staff Awards & Honors

December 2009

Moe Khaleel elected AAAS Fellow

Moe Khaleel, director of the Computational Sciences and Mathematics Division, and a PNNL Laboratory Fellow, was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

He was recognized for his leadership in computational engineering, which involves designing and developing computational tools to solve engineering and scientific problems. He focuses on computational models for solid oxide fuel cells and advanced lightweight materials. He also develops methods and computational tools that allow scientists and engineers to build and test fuels cells and their material components, which speeds up the development of energy technologies like fuel cells. Additionally, he created a cost-effective process for forming aluminum sheet materials that are now used to make lightweight vehicles.

As director of PNNL's Computational Sciences and Mathematics Division, Khaleel leads the effort to provide scientific and technological solutions through the integration of high-performance computing, data-intensive computing, computational sciences, mathematics, scalable data management, and bioinformatics to advance the Laboratory's mission areas.

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