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Fundamental Science Directorate
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Computational Sciences & Mathematics Division
Staff Awards & Honors

October 2011

Chavarria Recognized as "Top 40 Under 40"

Congratulations to Daniel Chavarria, a senior computational research scientist at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, on being recognized by Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology magazine as one of its "Top 40 Under 40" which features early-career Hispanics excelling in science, technology, engineering, and other science-related fields. Chavarria is one of three PNNL staff members on the Top 40 list. Elizabeth Stephens and Maria Luna were also recognized.

Chavarria was recognized for his work in parallel and distributed systems, compilers for high-performance and parallel computing, reconfigurable computing, programming languages, and interactions of architectural features with software systems. He has also served as a co-principal investigator for PNNL's Center for Adaptive Supercomputing Architecture, which performs research on the use of multithreaded architectures for non-traditional parallel applications and is the PI on a project funded by the DOE Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. Additionally, he has published over 35 papers and collaborated on several others.

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